Chapter One

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Stiles' POV

I jolt awake to my dad blasting AC/DC's Thunderstruck in my room. I look to him. He is singing along and playing the air guitar. He sees I'm awake and turns down the music and says, "Happy birthday, kiddo! Now c'mon. Get up you have school and a pack bonding night tonight. Then you have your party tomorrow evening. So get up and get dressed!"

My dad and pop were hunters of the supernatural. Now they study Beshert marks. But when they found out I'm in a werewolf pack... let's just say things got ugly. My pop who is an angel let his wings out and scared over half the pack. My uncle Sammy had a gun to Derek's head while uncle Gabe had a gun to my best friend Scott's head. Then I stepped out (They didn't know I was there at the moment) and I talked them down. Telling them that I am never leaving the pack, they are my second family. Now we're just one big family. 

There's Derek. The alpha. Who I will admit I have a little crush on. Then the werewolves Scott, Jackson, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, Ethan, Aiden, and Liam. There's Allison the werewolf hunter. Malia the werecoyote. Kira the Kitsune. Lydia the Banshee. And then Danny who's a human. Kira and Malia are Besherts. They're marks are as common as they come. Erica and Boyd too, as common as they come. Lydia and Allison are less common but still common. They have lime green in their marks which is less common. Jackson and Danny are not horribly rare but they are definitely not common. The same with Scott and Isaac. The twins haven't found there's yet. They'll be eighteen in a couple of months. Liam is the youngest. Although he's only 16 (A/N I know the ages are all messed up. Just go with it). He won't find his Bershert for a few years. Derek hasn't found his Beshert. It's possible they passed away.

I stop thinking about the pack so I can get ready. I take a shower washing my body and hair in my favorite cinnamon soap. I step out of the shower and dry myself wrapping the towel around my waist. I step into my room and slip on a pair of boxers and jeans. I look through my drawers and pick out my favorite Batman shirt and a flannel. I finish getting dressed and slip back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I'm done I quickly put on my Converse and grab my book bag. I run down stairs to the kitchen. I get a thing of poptarts out of the cupboard.

I give pop a kiss on the cheek and yell to dad, "Bye Dad! See you tomorrow!" I grab the keys to my baby blue Jeep I named Roscoe and head to school.

I park my Jeep next to Scott's bike and step out. "Hey Sti!" Scott says waving me over towards the pack. "Happy birthday!" He hands me a small box wrapped in red paper. "It's from all of us."

I look at the box and say, "Thanks guys!" I rip off the wrapping paper and take off the lid. Inside is an expensive looking key chain. It's a wolfs head with the pack symbol wrapped in it. There's an oval attached with the writing 'The Human Who Runs With Wolves.' "This is awesome! How did you afford it?"

"We all pitched in," Isaac says with a smile as he intertwines his fingers with Scott's. The bell rings singling it's time to head to class. We all walk into the building and head to our separate classes.

———Skip to after school. Cause I'm lazy———

The final bell rings. I jump up from my desk and run to the parking lot. It's Friday so we don't have LaCrosse practice. I see Scott get on his bike. I wave to him as I start Roscoe. As I drive off towards the rebuilt Hale House. I see Isaac get on behind Scott then like the rest of the pack follow me to The pack house. We all have a room. Everyone but me, Liam, and the twins share with their Beshert.

As I'm driving I realize how hungry I am so I quickly shoot a text to Scott telling him I'm stopping for curly fries and head to the nearest Arby's. After I get my curly fries I start thinking about how I haven't found my Beshert. I must say I'm a little disappointed. I hope I don't have to wait years or never find them. Like Derek. Then my mind wonders to Derek. His hazel eyes and adorable rabbit teeth. How he stands in the corner trying not to laugh with us. I sigh and shake my head coming to a stop at the house.

I step out of my Jeep with the bag of curly fries and kick the door shut. I walk into the house and say as I walk to the living room, "Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late I wanted curly fries." I then here a collective gasp.

I look up trying to figure out what happened when my eyes land on Derek who now has his mark. I gasp myself. That has to be the most rare make I've ever seen. I then spin around to face the mirror by the wall. I drop the bag of fries on the coffee table and walk to the mirror. I stare at my mark. The base of the mark is a swirl between black and silver. I've never seen that before. There is gold dripping off the base. Then there are teal orchids with bright purple stems. And lastly there is a bright pink tulip on the corner of the base mark. I have never and I mean never seen a mark this rare. I feel someone put a hand on my shoulder. Most likely Scott. I shake them off mumbling that I have to go and run out to my Jeep. I speed home. I have to talk to someone about this.

Once I'm inside I call for my parents. Pop comes down the stairs with bed head and the look of sleep in his eyes. I must of woke him. But when he sees me. Or rather my mark he runs over to me grabbing my face to examine my mark.

"Sti...," pop trails off. "This is the most rare mark ever." He looks me in the eyes before continuing. "Who? Who's your Beshert?"

"Derek," I mumble. I know he heard me.

"Isn't that a good thing? You like Derek," he says but I just shrug him off mumbling about going to my room. Once in my room I call uncle Sammy.

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