Chapter Two

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Derek's POV

I hear Stiles's Jeep rumble in the distance. Then I can smell his sweet cinnamon sent. He's close. The entire pack is spending the night tonight. Since it's Friday and Stiles' birthday. He is the last to get here today. Scott said something about him wanting curly fries. When I hear his car door slam shut I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I hear the front door open and close as I walk back into the living room. I sit back down in the armchair I have been occupying. Stiles walks in apologizing for being late. I look up to him and gasp. He has his mark. I look to the mirror behind him and see I have a mark also. The pack hearing my gasp pauses the movie. The look to me then Stiles and gasp themselves. Stiles looks up, eyes scanning the room. When they land on me he gasps also.

He turns to face the mirror. He drops his Arby's bag on the coffee table and walks to the mirror. He studied his mark long and hard. He was analyzing it. No doubt. After a good five minutes Scott slowly walks up to his best friend and puts a gentle hand on his shoulder. Stiles just shrugs off Scott's hand mumbling about having to leave. I watch him run out of the house.

I then walk to the mirror. I don't know as much as Stiles about marks but I know enough. I look at my mark and choke on my breath. The mark is extremely rare. I feel tears prick at my eyelids. I push them back. I've like Stiles since that day in the woods he and Scott came looking for Scott's inhaler. I love everything about him. His smell. The moles that dot his face and arms. His warm whisky eyes. Everything.

I turn to look at my pack. There's no doubt everyone in the room knows of my sadness. The weres can smell it and everyone else can see it in my eyes.

"Der-," Isaac says sympathetically. I shake my head slipping on my leather jacket.

I leave the house in a sprint. I run and run and run. I don't even know where my legs are talking me until a familiar cinnamon sent hits my nose and Stiles' house comes into view. I stop to think for a second before continuing towards his house. I climb the tree next to his window and step onto the rooftop outside his window. I peer in hearing him talk. He's talking on the phone.

"Sti, it's not this complicated," I hear whoever he's talking to say. "Do you like him or not?"

"I like him a lot, Uncle Sammy," Stiles sighs.

"Then why is it this complicated?"

"I've never seen a mark this rare. Neither has pop. And what if he doesn't like me? Have you thought of that?" Stiles voice cracks.

"Stiles. I've seen the way he looks at you. He likes you." I blush. "Now I have to go Gabe is complaining that I'm not making dinner."

"Okay. Bye, Uncle Sammy."

I wait until he takes the phone from his ear to open the window. I slip inside and close the window quietly. I walk up to Stiles, whose back is still to me. I wrap my arms around him resting my head in his shoulder. He jumps and spins around.

He his neck and face turn pink as he says, "How long have you been there and how much did you hear?"

I just smile and take his head between my hands. I lean down and kiss him softly. He kisses back after a second and wraps his arms around me.

I pull back slightly resting my forehead against his and say, "You have nothing to worry about. I love you, Stiles."

"I love you, too, Sourwolf," he whispers back.

"Now do you want to go finish our pack night?" I ask softly.

He nods his head so I take my hands off his face only to grab is hand instead. We walk downstairs to the living room.

When his parents spot us Castiel says, "See, Dean. I told you he is here."

"You would think I would be used to you werewolves sneaking in his window by now," Dean grumbles although he's smiling.

Stiles just smiles and says, "I'm going to finish pack night. I'll see you tomorrow." With that he drags me towards the door.

As we're stepping out Dean yells, "Use protection!" I feel my face and neck heat up with a blush. Stiles just shakes his head with amusement and squeezes my hand.

He looks around for a second before saying, "Did you run here, Sourwolf?" I just nod my head yes. I only run like that when I'm upset and he knows it. We get in his Jeep. He starts it, puts on his seatbelt and starts driving before speaking again. "I never meant to upset you. I just didn't know how to react. I've always liked you but I never expected you to be my Beshert. And one of this rarity. I figured I'd have a common relationship. It's just a lot to take in," as he finishes his little speech he glances at me for a second. I give him a small smile to reassure him. He takes a turn that he wasn't supposed to. I give him a funny look. "I never got my curly fries. By now they have either been eaten or are cold," he says with a small laugh. He gets his curly fries then we're back on track to the pack house. When we get there he pulls into his usual parking spot and shuts off the engine.

He smiles at me and gets out. I follow suite. As we're walking up to the house he grabs my hand. I don't hear much noice coming from inside the house. They must of heard us coming. We walk into the living room. Everyone is staring. Stiles just pulls me to an empty loveseat and pulls me down.

He starts to eat his curly fries. "Don't act like you've never seen me eat before," he comments sarcastically when he noticed everyone is still staring. One by one they stopped starting. The movie was resumed and a comfortable silence filled the room as everyone watched the new Power Rangers movie.

A movie and a half later I noticed Stiles was asleep. I picked him up bridal style and carried him to my room. I put him on the bed and went to get a pair of pajama pants from his room. I came back quickly and took off his jeans and flannel then put on his Batman pj pants. I then covered him with the comforter. Once I got him all settled I took of my pants and Henley and slipped in next to him. When I got under the covers Stiles cuddled up to my chest so I put an arm over him. I quickly fell asleep to his sweet cinnamon sent I love.

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