Chapter 29

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"Maddie?" Mackenzie pops her head in through the door. "Yes Kenzie?" I prompt.

"I'm really hungry. Can we go get something to eat? Please?"

"Sure! What do you want?"

"Can we have Chinese?"

"Okay. I'll go get the money."

I run to my room and grab a handful of dollar notes. I hold Kenzie's hand as we walk down the streets. It's just 10 days away from Christmas, so the shops are all decorated with ornaments and there's Christmas trees everywhere we go. At every corner, there a choir singing Christmas chorales. White snow covers every roof and tree. People buzz around the streets hurriedly, carrying bags full of gifts.

Christmas was never a good festival for me after mom and dad divorced. It was always sad and pathetic. I never got any gifts and we never had a real Christmas dinner. This year is going to be especially sad since mom's in hospital and there's only Kenzie and me to celebrate. A tear forms in the corner of my eye at that thought, but I hold it back. I won't cry, not in front of Kenzie.

As we approach the Chinese stall, I see the three familiar silhouettes of Chloe, Paige and Josh and am just about to make a detour and walk somewhere else, but Kenzie's already skipping up to the counter. "Oh hi Kenzie! Here to get some food huh?" Chloe's voice chirps cheerfully. "Yup! I haven't had Chinese in so long I miss it so much!" Kenzie replies, hugging Chloe.

I walk up to them and pry Kenzie away from Chloe. "Oh! Hi Maddie." Chloe greets nervously. I ignore her and turn to Kenzie instead. "What do you want?" I ask, somewhat sharply. "Erm, chicken and some noodles." she replies softly. I make the order and the cashier tells me the price. I count my money and realise I'm short of $5. "Kenz, I'm short of $5. Why don't we buy something else?" I say carefully. Kenzie's face immediately falls. "Oh, okay then." she replies quietly as I drag her away from the store.

"Hey, how about I pay?" Chloe, who was slowly strolling far behind her friends, overheard and asked. "You'd do that?" Kenzie excitedly questioned as she broke free from my grasp and ran toward Chloe. "Of course! What do you want again?" Chloe puts her arm around Kenzie's shoulder as Kenzie tells her what she wants. "I'll have a Cantonese chow mein, an orange chicken crock pot and fried rice please." Chloe says to the cashier. "Fried rice? I didn't ask for that." Kenzie corrects. "I thought you'd like that. it's my treat, okay?" Chloe replies.

Kenzie brightens up when. Chloe says that and I just can't take it anymore. "We're not accepting your 'treat'. Come on, let's go Kenzie." I try to pull Kenzie away, but she grabs onto Chloe's arm.

"I want Chinese food! I don't care what you and Chloe have between you. This isn't about you, it's about me and I want to stay. Stop thinking that the world revolves around you Maddie!"

"I don't think that! Please do not say nonsensical stuff. Now let's go!"

"No! If you don't want your dinner, fine. But I want it and I'm staying here with Chloe." Kenzie says firmly.

"Fine! Be that way!" I storm away from them and tears start flowing out of my eyes. I can't believe Kenzie said I was self-centered. She's never stood up to me like that before. She's my little sister, not my older one! What makes her think she could just talk to me like that? I don't even know where I'm going, I just let my feet take me wherever they want. Before I know it, I'm standing right outside the hospital.

I brush the snow off my coat lightly before entering the hospital compound. The nurse at the front desk recognises me and gives me a sympathetic smile. But I don't need sympathy. I get into the lift along with 5 other people and press the butting with a '6' on it. The lift stops at every level and everyone gets off, except me. When the lift finally comes to a stop at level 6 with a 'ding!', I quickly get out and head to mom's ward.

She turns to look at me the moment I open the door ever so slightly. Who knew mom was so sensitive to sound? "What are you doing here Maddie? Where's Kenzie?" There's a hint of worry in mom's voice when she asks me that question in barely a whisper. "She's hanging around Chloe again. I don't know what's her problem." I roll my eyes and sit down in the chair at mom's bedside. "You met her?" "Yup. When we went to get Chinese takeout. She was there with her friends, of course and she offered to pay for our meal since I didn't have enough money. I obviously refused, but Kenzie readily accepted her offer. Kenzie even said I was self-centered. I guess that's true, but it's Kenzie so it hurts 10 times worst." I explain.

"You know Maddie's, there's been something I've always wanted to tell you." mom confesses. "I didn't want to tell you since I know it'll upset you a lot, but I think it's important. Maddie, go straight home right now and tell Kenzie mom wants her to tell. Go do that for me, will you?" mom strokes my hair as she says this. For a moment, I just feel like I'm 4 again, when mom used to strike my hair lovingly every night as she read me a bedtime story, back when everything was more or less perfect. "Okay Maddie?" mom jolts me back to the cruel present with her words. I nod and her hand drops back to her side.

I get up and leave after planting a kiss on mom's forehead. I plod through the thick snow and the snowflakes tangle in my hair as I walk home with my head down, deep in thought. Kenzie knows something I don't. I'm really curious what it is. The thought burns in my head throughout my whole journey home.

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