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"So I'd like to take you out on a date," Percy told me the following Monday morning when I stepped outside of my house. For the past couple weeks he had taken to walk me to school every morning and I guess today was no exception.

"Oh do you now?" I teased.

Percy's grin lit up his entire face. "Are you doing anything tonight?"

"Let me check." I tapped my finger on my chin, pretending to think. "Nope, completely free."

"Awesome," Percy responded while grabbing my hand. "I'll pick you up at 6."

I became extremely ecstatic for the evening to approach until I realized one tiny little detail.

I had never actually been on a date.


"What do I even wear?" I asked Hazel and Piper, who had decided to come over after school after school in order for me to prepare for this date. Percy was picking me up to go to some unknown location in less than thirty minutes and I still had no clue what I was going to wear.

"Did he specify whether it was going to be a casual or dressy date?" Piper questioned. I shook my head. "Well shit."

"Piper," Hazel warned, once again turning into the mom we all know and love. "How about we go with a nice in between outfit? Something that's both nice and casual."

Piper agreed with Hazel's decision and began to scrounge through my closet with her. My style itself wasn't very dressy. A lot of loose t-shirts, cardigans, jeans, and the occasional dress or nice shirt. I didn't like dressing up to go to school. I preferred being comfortable over anything when it came to every day situations.

"How about this?" Piper pulled out a nice white off-the-shoulder top with one of my non-ripped pairs of jeans. "Casual, but still dressy."

I clapped my hands in delight — Jesus when did I become such a girl? "Perfect." I paused. "Should I wear contacts?"

Hazel shook her head. "You're extremely adorable in glasses."

"You make me blush, Levesque." I smirked. "Just as much as you make Frank."

Hazel's eyes widened. "What do you mean?" She stammered.

"You think I didn't see you two at Denny's after opening night? You two were pretty much in your own little world," I explained. "How you two haven't gotten together yet is beyond me."

Hazel hid her head in her hands. "I hate you," she grumbled.

"Yet you're still one of my best friends," I pointed out. A doorbell rang throughout the house and all of our heads snapped upwards. "He's here."

"Go downstairs and greet your man!" Hazel and Piper yelled, gesturing me to go downstairs.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving!" I exclaimed while making my way down the stairs. "And get out of my house when I leave, please and thank you."

"We want to hear about your date when you get home!" Hazel explained.

"Unless," Piper winked. "You end up staying over at Percy's."

"Piper!" I exclaimed. "Ew! It's the first date!"

"Well with the way you two kiss..." Piper muttered.

Hazel smacked her upside the head. "We'll be here when you get home to find out how the date went. Now leave."

I grinned while running down the stairs. Opening up the door, I was greeted with a grinning Percy. He was wearing a light blue short-sleeved button down shirt untucked from a pair of dark jeans and looked extremely attractive. His eyes lit up. "You look great Wise Girl."

beauty and the beast ⋮ percabeth auWhere stories live. Discover now