Well..it's not really a school anymore..

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I was sitting in my damn classroom, bored out of my mind. I didn't really pay any attention to the teacher when all of a sudden the door opens and everyone looks over.

Another teacher, damnit! "Ok we need everyone to get up and follow. Now." the last word was said darkly.

We all get up and when we got outside, i looked around to see every student going the same fucking way. It was starting to confuse me before it hit me, the seniors and juniors are not here.

Well shit this complicated things...and i thought the sophomores and freshmen's were gonna take over the place and not the older two grades...

We all ended up in the front of the cafeteria, some of the others looked confused but i already guessed my answer and will not say anything.

The teachers began to explain why and what happened. And apparently they already fucking killed the principal of this fucking school. So he was the first to fucking go and die. What a fucking lousy principal he was, he made too many fucking rules and just about everyone hated the fucking god damn rules.

I slowly backed up to the cafeteria doors and opened it up and walked in. I then made a fucking computer out of scratch and walked back out.

Oh hey theirs my cousin! Well he's smart and knows how to do the computers without being noticed most of the god damn time. Except he never got past me without myself noticing.

"Hey Mikey! Come over here for a second will you?" i said over the muttering of students. He glanced over to me before heading my way.

He finally stops in front of me and "so there's a computer back in the cafeteria and i want you to figure out what the seniors and juniors are doing. Think you can handle that?" i said.

My cousin grins widely, finally he could use his computer skills.

"Yeah i can. Where is the computer at?" he asks with a wide grin still on his face.

I started to grin as well. "Come.." i said as i walked back into the cafeteria where i put made my computer at. He better not break it though. I don't know what will happen if he does.

Some of the others follow us in before just about everyone comes in after us.

I show my cousin the computer and he immediately starts to use it.

"Hey Nick think you can make sure They can't trace it back will you?" i said with an amused grin.

Now things are getting interesting here. I never would have thought that the seniors and juniors would do this and even said the would kill us. The next generation and friends and siblings.

Now that is amusing, they think they could do this to us without us fighting back at least? Besides i have more power then anyone in this universe.

I then froze, i hear something...what is it? And why do i feel..like i can't think straight? I turn towards where i heard it and to my confusion, it was coming from the wall. No not the wall, beyond the wall. But how come the others aren't looking as well? Did they not hear it?

I look quickly back to see the still working hard as the others watched them.

Be right back guys..

I walked towards the wall, i put my hand on it and it went through the wall. Someone looked in my direction and only saw a wall and nothing else.

I started walking through the wall and couldn't think straight at all. Why do i not feel like I'm in control of my body?

Well at least i know i won't get shot because I'm currently invisible. I walked on for what felt like a few hours but it had only been a few minutes.

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