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DerpyAelol: Hey you guys! Sorry this is a day late! I was really busy sickly!

Eyeless Jack: And we're ask still ponies... *is a black earth pony with a brown name and tail, cutie mark is a kidney covered in a mysterious black liquid*

DerpyAelol: That's true! Okay! Today we got a date from CreepyPonyLover 238, it says we all have to bro hoof or hug each other!

Smexy: Sounds good to me~ *is a white unicorn with his usual clothing, his cutie mark is a red rose with a black X over it*

BEN: Sounds cool to me. *is a green earth pony with a blond mane and tail, has a Majora' s mask as a cutie mark*

Masky: Ok... *is a cream colored earth pony with a brown tail and mane, has a black X as a cutie mark*

Hoodie:...Sure..... * is a black earth pony with a red X as a cutie mark*

DerpyAelol:*hugs Sally, Slenderman, Shank, Masky and Hoodie , Bro hoof' s everyone else*

Jeff: *bro hoof' s everyone except Sally*

BEN: *bro hoof' s everyone*

Slenderman: *hugs Sally, DerpyAelol, and bro hoof' s everyone else*

Masky*hugs Shank, Hoodie, Sally, DerpyAelol, and bro hoof' s everyone else*

Hoodie: *Same as Masky*

Eyeless Jack: *bro hoof' s literally everyone*

Smexy: *hugs everyone*

Herobrine: I refuse to participate!

DerpyAelol: You have too! It's part of the rules.

Herobrine: Never!

DerpyAelol: *tackle hugs Herobrine*

Herobrine: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Shank: *Hugs Sally, DerpyAelol, Slenderman, Masky, and Hoodie, bro hoof' s everybody else*

DerpyAelol: That's all we have for this week, until this Saturday anyway! Promise I won't be late!

All: Byeeeeee!!!!!

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