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Rin's P.O.V

Ok, its been 4 months now. Len is still tutoring me due to my dumb-ness.  I've become used to seeing everyday at the same time. 4:00 PM. My fights have become more and more intense. I almost died. Shadow Phantom is becoming harder to beat. I've asked Felix for advice and help, but he just keeps on saying the same thing over and over again.

~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~

"Felix, the enemies are becoming more and more laborious to beat."

"Its just a matter of time."


"Felix, I almost died today. The enemies are STARTING to become unbeatable."

"Its just a matter of time."


"Felix, I got stabbed and I have an huge scratch on my upper thigh."

"Its just a matter of time."

~~~~ End of flashback ~~~~

UGH! DOES HE EVEN CARE! Probably not. Why do I feel like crying. I haven't cried in 10 years. Yes, that means I stopped crying at the age of 4. I wanna go see Len. We aren't dating, but I like to make fantasies of us. For a punk like me, that is a little off, but I have dreams to ya know. Well I better get going. Its almost 4:00. I have to meet up with Len in the library for tutoring. I wonder what Felix means by "Its just a matter of time."

Len's P.O.V

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, SHES ALMOST HERE?!?! Ok, I've got to calm down! I can do this! I'll just stick with the plan! Wait, whats the plan again?! Never mind, I remembered. I call it, Len's Plan: 

1.) Play it cool and welcome her like always.

2.) Try to hold her hand while studying.

3.) Compliment her.

4.) Repeat.

Simple, right? OH GOODNESS, SHES HERE! Time to put my plan to action. Its going to be today. 

"H-H-Hey Rin." I welcomed her. CRAP, I'm screwing up!

 "Hi Len, I- um Len, are you ok? Your face is as red as a strawberry!" Rin said with a frightful tone as she cupped my cheeks.

 Red as a strawberry? What does she mean by th-.......................oh no, I'M BLUSHING!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, THIS WASN'T A PART OF THE PLAN AT ALL!!!!!!!!!

 "I-I-I-I'm fine! Anyways, lets just start tutoring." I assured her with a strait look plastered on my face as I removed her hands and walk to the table. Not trying to be rude or anything!

Rin's P.O.V

RUDE! I'M OVER HERE ALL CONCERNED ABOUT HIM, AND HE JUST-UGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! Ok, I have to calm down, maybe he's just...............not in a good mood. Well I should try to figure it out, this could be serious!

 "So Len, what are we learning today?" I asked as I slowly pull out a chair to sit.

 "Square roots." he replied, his tone was curt.

 I sat down and waited for something to happen.

 "Get out some paper." he spat while writing problems down on the board.

 Why is he acting so cold today? Did I do something to him? 

"A-Are you ok?" I asked, my blood running through my body.

 He looked at me and slowly started walking in my direction. I felt my blood run cold and my skin turn pale. He walked right in front of me and cupped my cheeks in his hands. He looked strait at me then smiled.

 "I'm fine, just a little flustered." he said, then slowly kissed my forehead.

 I FROZE! Not a single sound escaped my mouth. He slowly pulled away, looked at me, and let out a small chuckle as he walked to the other side of the table and sat down.

 "W-W-WHAT WAS T-THAT F-FOR!?!?!" I shrieked as a blush crept onto my face, making me look like a tomato.

 "Nooooooooooothing." he slured in a soothing tone while he stroked my hand with his.

 Is he...........flirting? I slowly pulled away my hand from his. Len looked at me with a flustered face. 

"Are you a player?" I asked.

 I felt a jab of pain pierce my heart. He immediately stood up and darted towards me at a quick pace. Before I knew it, I was forcefully pulled into a hug. Whats going?! I'm so confused.

Len's P.O.V

A player? What would make her think th-OHHHHHHHHHH, now I get it. I guess I'm not the type to flirt. Anyways now is a perfect moment to tell her how I feel.

 "R-Rin, there is something I need to tell you." I say, scraping together the last of my courage.

 "What is it?" she asks with a quiver in her voice.

 "Well, you see I-I." Oh goodness, I'm losing hope!

 "What is it, Len?" she asked.

 Its now or never. "Y-You see, I-I LOVE YOU!!!" I screamed and quickly covered my mouth with my hands and turned away.

 I felt arms slither around me and embrace me tightly. "I love you to." I hear Rin whisper in my ear, then kiss the back of my head.

Rin's P.O.V

I'M AM FILLED WITH PURE HAPPINESS! Len likes me back! I pulled away from the hug, setting the lion free. Len instantly turned around and smash his lips onto mine. I smiled then gently kissed back. We broke the kiss and hugged.

 "Hey Len, have you heard of the new superhero? Black Star is her name." I asked.

 "Oh her. Yeah, I heard of her. She is super cool." he said while looking at me and playing with my hair.

 "You know Rin, you look a lot like her." he said eyeing my weirdly.

 "That's because-KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I shrieked as Felix jumped of my head. 

"FELIX, WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?!?!" I screeched as I rubbed my throbbing head.

 I looked back to Len who was just petting Felix and looking at me like I was crazy or something. 

"Rin, you are aware that cats can't talk, right?"Len said as he picked up Felix and handed him to me. If only you knew. 

"W-What, um yeah, totally. Hehe, silly me, thinking cats can talk! Well anyways I gotta go Len! See ya tomorrow! Bye!" I said super fast as I dashed out of the library and back home.

 I can't believe I almost spilled the beans to Len. As much as I want to, I can't tell him. I'm sorry, Len.

I burst through the doors of the house and quickly shut them closed. I tossed my bag onto the couch and sluggishly dragged myself to my room. Its kinda lonely here. I live alone. My parents left me when I was 6. They said they would be right back, but they never returned home. They didn't die, they just restarted. I saw them last year. I was shopping. They had 3 new kids and mom was saying things like, "Forget the past, she is gone." or "You guys are so much better than my last daughter." The memory still haunts me from time to time.

I threw myself on the bed and looked at the time. 7:30. Wow, time sure flies. I snuggle under my covers then fall fast asleep. Tomorrow will be a better day. 

I hope. 


End of chapter.

Hey guys, Vperder here! Sorry for the late update. Crappy schedule here. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think in the comments below. Until next post, this is Vperder V-ING out! Bye! 

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