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Hey guys ! This is my first fan-fiction, so I hope you enjoy. A story of tensions and romance, this tells the story of Tracer and Widowmaker on opposite sides. Tracer has been captured and brainwashed into the killing machine known as Blur, by the terrorist  group T.A.L.O.N. Widowmaker is shocked to find out that her childhood friend is still alive, but not as she remembers her. She has been turned back to a human,( Widowmaker) but is still as deadly as ever. ENJOY! Let me know in the comments what to add and stuff. PEACE. 

 Widomaker POV. 

"What'cha looking at love?" Those where the words I heard from my rival, Lena, before she became the deadly assassin I knew her as today. Every time we fought, she always had some remark that would (almost), bring a smile to my face. Oh, how I loathed her! She made me feel something, something I haven't felt in years. Love. Back then, I wished I said something to her.  It's too late to apologize now, anyway. We all make decisions we regret, and I wished I had made mine. She was the one that convinced me that their is good in all of us. The reason why I switched to Overwatch. Now, she's gone. Barely remembers me. " Amelie , concentrate on the mission!" I heard Jack's voice over the earpiece, and  I snapped out of trance and remembered where I was. In an enemy base, behind enemy lines, with cargo to steal.  The cargo in question was a top-secret USB drive with all the enemy's info on it, situated behind the best defense system in the world. Or so they thought. Tonight, I would prove them wrong.

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