40- There's more beneath an eye

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Eduardo's POV
There was an unusual vibe in the Sacconejolys household after our visit to Zalfie's. Despite the fact it was Monday, everyone was talking and chatting at breakfast. Everyone seemed so happy for once.

As the morning sun flooded the kitchen, Evan, Ella and I were ready for school whilst Erin and dad were sat up the table fully dressed. Mum had made us pancakes as a special treat and although it was Monday, I even helped her.

Ever since Saturday, I've been in a relatively good mood. Seeing my siblings so happy had given me a major confidence boost for the week, especially as my GCSEs were coming to an end.

"What exam have you got today Eduardo?" asked Erin as she asked Ella to pass her the maple syrup.

"I have a ten hour art exam today" I said with a slight laugh.

Dad's eyes bulged out of their sockets: "Ten hours!"

I replied with a nod.

"Good luck wards!" said Ella, who put her arm around me. Her face was covered in Nutella.

"Thanks Ells" I smiled. I could see Evan next to me looking at his watch.

"We need to leave soon" he said and started to get up.

Evan looked strangely different to the last time I saw him. His hair was brushed forwards in a Phil Lester type way and his uniform was surprisingly tidy. His top button was done up, his sleeves (apart from the side where his broken arm was) were rolled down and his black, yellow and red striped tie was long, straight and tidy. My eyes slipped down to his feet and I spotted that he wasn't wearing trainers and was actually wearing proper shoes that were suitable for school. What had happened to him?

"Are you sure you don't want a lift?" Mum asked.

"No, Eduardo and I will walk" Evan replied as the both of us got up. Evan started to amble around the table and say goodbye to everyone. He gave a kiss to Mum, Dad and both Erin and Ella before heading towards the front of the house.

"Is that Evan James Sacconejoly or an imposter?" Mum whispered.

"Anna, don't go complaining! This is great. Our Evan is back!" Dad replied in a hushed voice.

Erin began to laugh softly as she looked up from her computer screen. She soon realised I was about to leave.

"Bye Eduardo, good luck for your exam, I love you" she said.

"Love you too" I beamed and gave her a hug. I could see her laptop and it was filled with an explosion of words. Seeing Erin jump right back into the work for her documentary was amazing. I then kissed Mum and Dad on the cheek and gave Ella kiss on the head so I couldn't get covered in Nutella before saying goodbye and joining Evan by the door. After, I slipped on my shoes, threw my backpack on my back and my little brother and I headed to school. It was great to walk with Evan. He had a little smile on his face and seemed comfortable with his new appearance.

"Has Mr. Too-Cool-For-School gone on holiday?" I teased as the both of us walked down a little countryside road that ran along by a stream. Evan looked up at me as if he were going to chuck me in the water.

"No" he said simply. "I just want to be who I am, what's wrong with that"

"Nothing" I said with a slight smile. It was as if Evan, as well as struggling with his friends, was also struggling with who he was. The weekend at Zoe and Alfie's has changed him.

"Anyway, no more questions" said Evan with a nod. We continued to wander down country lanes until we entered the city and neared school.

"Has that weekend changed you?" I asked my little brother after a small section of awkward silence.

I See The Light: Book 3 in the Adopted by the SACCONEJOLYs seriesWhere stories live. Discover now