Skinny Love { ft. A.Alsina }

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Here I was again, fantasizing about August. He was just so dreamy and perfect I couldn't help myself. Maybe it was his personality- the way he could make me smile without trying. Or maybe it was his looks- he had low soft but short hair, beautiful eyes, killer smile, and nice facial hair too but not much. Sometimes it felt weird thinking about him like this because he's one of my bestfriends. We're always together and that's how its always been. 

"Nique." August waved his hand in my face while smirking. "Daydreaming about John Mayor?"

"Y-Yeah him." I lied, twirling my hair with my fingers. I know I should just tell him how I feel but there could be so many outcomes. He'll say he doesn't feel the same, he'd make fun of me or something worse. I just cannot risk the embarrassment right now.

"Well cut it out because we're going to be late for class." He chuckled and grabbed my hand, standing me up from the bench. We both walked inside school with most eyes on us. It was only right. August is probably the cutest guy in our grade/basktetball player and I'm a cheerleader. Most people think we date because of our close relationship.

I walked inside our math class and took a seat in the second row. August sat behind me as usual. Mr.Focker walked in and greeted everyone before passing out our worksheets. They looked pretty easy so I got started on mine.

"Pst. Nique!" August whispered trying to get my attention. Purposely I ignored him and continued. Suddenly I felt a tug at my hair causing me to suck my teeth and turn around.


"I need help on number two." He whined giving me puppy dog eyes. He's so fucking cute...

"If x plus 64 equals two times the greatest denominator, what does x equal?"

He scrunched up his face. "Where the fuck x come from?" I sighed and grabbed his pencil, unintentionally brushing my hand over his. My cheek shaded a color pink and I began working out the problem on his paper. "Oh! I get it."

"See," I beamed with happiness and clapped.

"You know you should be my tutor."


"Well exams are coming up and in order for me to play at our games I have maintain at least a C in this class. I'm struggling." August sighed tapping his pencil on the desk. I contemplated in my head whether I should or not.

I nodded. "Alright but we'll have to start tomorrow night because I have practice today."

"So do I so thats great. Thanks Nique." He smirked and winked at me. I nearly melted....


Later that day, I was in the girls locker room getting ready for cheerleading practice. Since I'm captain now I make up every routine and cheer. Its a lot of hard work but its definitely worth it all. I've been cheering since grade so you can say I'm pretty good. I put on my peach colored tight nike yoga shorts, matching Roshes, and a peach sports bra. As I was putting my hair in a pony tail I couldn't help but listen to the other cheerleaders. They were always gossiping about something.

"So who are you guys going to prom with?" Jessica asked.

"Probably Damien." Rue blushed from ear to ear.

The others named their dates and everyone looked at Sierra, she's the biggest hoe ever. I'm just waiting to hear who.


SCUUR. PAUSE. I stopped moving and starred at her in disbelief. If she think she's going to prom with my August, she needs to reevaluate her whole life. There's no way he'd settle for some busted ass hoe like that.

Skinny Love { ft. A.Alsina }Where stories live. Discover now