Red Vision

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Honey paw felt like curling up under the great willow tree and lay there till the river lowered. She dashed over the fallen oak and looked at rain clan camp and now it was completely flooded. Now honey paw felt at home in her own territory, cats weren't looking at her weird, she felt free again. Honey paw dashed around her deserted territory, I mean someone has to make sure our territory stays Rain clans territory right? Honey paw realized her paws had taken her to sharp rocks and she curled up there where it wasn't so wet and dozed off. Honey paw was looking around and saw a burrow a few rabbit hops away from the thunder path... where sun kit and honey paw were born. Than two cats came out of the burrow.. it was sun kit and Sand Heart. Sun kits Ginger pelt gleamed with stars and so did Sand hearts tan pelt.

"Hello honey paw.. I hope you remember me." Sun kit mewed. He looked a bit bigger than when he died, he was as big as honey paw. His muscles rippled as she walked closer to honey paw, and licked the small scar that was left on her muzzle from jay star. 

"Of course I remember you, mouse brain how could I forget!" Honey paw felt over joyed she wished the dream would never end.

"Hello my kit." Sand heart mewed softly. Honey paw nussled Sand Heart and Sun kit, if she could even call him Sun kit  anymore.

"I am sorry sis, we cant stay long.. we will visit you every time we can." Sun told honey paw. Than the sweet dreams silence was broken by a blood churning yelp.. it sounded like dust paw!

"You must hurry before its too late." Sun spoke as he disappeared. Honey paw woke up and smelled the air for a sign of Dust paw. She could smell many things, Dust paw, fresh blood and wolves which honey paw thought was not a good combination. Honey paw darted to the source of the smell in time to see Dust paw geting flung around by wolves like kits playing with a ball of moss. Than dust paw went to swipe at a wolf and a huge wolf snapped his jaws and Dust paw let out another yowl in pain. Honey paw didn't want to heard her friend in pain but she couldn't move, she was frozen in fear.  Than the dog flung dust paw onto a rock and he layed there limp as honey paw saw a stream of blood where his left front paw used to be.

"Noo, Dust paw!" Honey paw hissed as she leaped on one of the wolves as it turned around honey paw caught its eyes in her rage and swiped at his eyes, the wolf was blinded, blood gushing out of where its eyes used to be. The wolf crouched back and ran away with its tail between its legs.

"One down two more to go, there paws are only the size of your whole body!" Honey paw thought distracted.  Than one of the wolves grabed honey paw by her scruff and shook her around, ripping into her scruff taking large amounts of but out. 

"Was sun and sand hearts visit an early welcoming committee? "Honey paw thought grimly starting to believe she was going to go to star clan soon. Honey paw tried to struggle free of the wolves grip but every time she tried, the dog bit down harder.  

"Not many cats live from a wolf attack"  she thought. Than the other Wolf grabed honey paw by the neck and honey paw let out a muffled as she coughed up blood. Honey paw swung her back legs onto the wolves neck and raked its neck, the wolf letting her go. Honey paws body ached and blood pulsed out of her neck. Than a wolf swiped at her side and she let out a whimper as blood rushed out of her side but the wolves didn't stop. The other wolf flipped honey paw on her back and pinned her to ground by her bloody neck, raking its massive claws down her belly. Honey paw was searching for strength but couldn't find it. Finally honey paw could hear an angery hiss come from the top of the slope.. it was Panther heart followed by Dark claw, snow fang and thorn. Panther heart and thorn knocked the one wolf off of honey paw and swiped madly at the wolves side and belly giving it many slashes and the toms only stoping when the wolf stoped breathing. Honey paw felt blood trickle into her eyes so everything she saw was in red. Than snow fang and dark claw hurled themselves onto the other wolf, dark claw clawing the wolves neck and snow fang swiped at the wolves mussle till the wolf fled in the same direction as its friend. Thorn along with panther heart made a mad dash to honey paw trying to clean her wounds and dark claw and snow fang did the same for dust paw.

"HE'S NOT BREATHING!" Snow fang yowled in pain. Honey paw felt as if she had been ran over by a monster multiple times, honey paw tryed to move her head to fully look at dust paw but she couldn't. Honey paw was relieved as she saw his flank rise and fall, he was breathing, but his breath was shallow and slow. 

"Honey paw, Honey paw!" Thorn yelled as honey paw came in and out of conciseness. Honey paw proceed to caugh up blood from she bites on her neck, she was loosing blood fast, Honey paw finally fainted.

"Can we get them to twisted tail?"panther heart softly asked thorn.

"We can but we need to hurry before they bleed out!" Thorn spat out as he grabbed honey paw gently and snow fang grabbed Dust paw. both the toms soon had blood covering there back and shoulders. Thorn felt so sorry for snow fang, first his sister was blinded and now his brother only has three legs. Thorn kept muttering something to honey paw,

"Hold in there honey paw.....please, you cant leave me for star clan....not now..."

Peace and war ~ TwistedTails prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now