Ymir x Historia/Christa

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Sophia: Next we have the queen's Ymir x Historia

Historia: Yep she is my titan queen and I fucking love her

Ymir: And I love you to. Hey after this let's say we get married

Historia: We have to wait till we're older though but I do 

Sophia: This is canon so

Eren: No one is aloud to date her

Ymir: Nope

Armin: The sad part is that literally every guy in the 104th training squad had a thing for her but then we found out she was gay. We were all heartbroken and depressed for a week

All the guys: Yea

Sophia: Wow 

Armin: Yeah that's life for ya

Reiner: *in the crying corner* Why????? I can't have one good thing happen to me can I

Jean: Reiner got herat the most I remember he stole food and eat it on his bed crying

Eren: Oh I forgot about that

Mikasa: What else happened

Sasha: Yeah

Connie: Well on one night we were all Crybaby's.

Jean: We cried the entire night

Leelu: Wow it was that bad

Levi: Wow

Jean: Surprisingly Armin feel asleep and stop crying first

Armin: Well I was just tired and we had training the next day

Eren: Everyone else was up all night crying

Samson: Sounds like Leelu

Leelu: *pulls out blads* Your dead 

Samson: *runs*

Levi: I'm so proud *wipes away tire*

Hanji: Ok whatever should we check on Reiner

Sophia: Na he's fine

Eren: Well... 

Mikasa: Were done here

Sophia: Yeah bye

Reiner: WHY HISTORIA!!!!!!!!

Leelu: I feel ya

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