Chapter Six - Sunday

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Ben had changed a lot in the past week. He had gotten less "average teen" and became more "Teen who is a TBDL." He was clearly more into the TB part of it, but he still loved wearing diapers. His favourite thing about being a TBDL was that he could act like a baby and no one could judge him for it. He could be playing in his house in a onsie and a diaper and nobody would question it. James had been getting a taste of Daddy life with Ben, more often had he been changing Ben's diaper, making sure that he feeling all right, playing games with him, getting him do things properly. Ben on the other hand had been getting a big taste of little life. He was more likely to choose to play a game like Minecraft over a First Person Shooter, he was wetting his diaper and messing in it more often than before and could barely tell when he was filling his diaper. He was having mid-day naps because he was getting more tired more often. It was different. It was good.

James and Ben walked into the large building that they visited yesterday holding each other's hands. Ben was in one of the onsies that James had picked up the other day that made him look like a penguin and was swaying from side to side. Once they had gotten home after their long day yesterday, James had pointed out to Ben that he started swaying when he was nervous or scared. James didn't mention that Ben started to look away when he was lying. He'd keep that to himself.

'You okay Ben? You're swaying again.' James said turning towards penguin boy.

'Yeah, just a little bit nervous but Matt's nice, I think it'll be okay.' He said.

'You'll be fine. If you need me, just come find me, you know where my desk is?' Ben nodded quickly and pointed towards one of the room down the large hallway which had the words "Equipment Storage" written in big letters on it. 'Good man, now, can you wait here while I grab Matt?' Ben nodded and sat down on a couch in the waiting room and pulled a colouring book out of the bag that James had packed for him before they left. He grabbed his colouring pencils and started colouring in a purple fish. Once he had finished colouring in the fish, he pulled it out of the book and waited for James to come back. James walked back into the waiting room with Matt in tow.

'I drewd you a picture!' Ben squealed standing up, handing the picture of the fish to James. 'Hi Matt!'

'It's lovely babe, I'm going to put this on my desk, but you are going to go with Matt okay?' Ben nodded and put his stuff back in his bag before following Matt into the playroom.

'Okay Ben, we're gonna start off easy okay? I'm going to ask you a couple of questions and I just want you to nod or shake your head. Got it?' Ben looked up at Matt who had stopped and nodded. 'Great. Are you in love?' Nod. 'Do you love James?' Nod. 'Do you think he loves you?' Nod. 'Is someone yelling at you when you're at home?' Nod. 'Is it your dad?' Ben didn't reply. 'Ben? Does your dad yell at you when you're at home?' Ben nodded slowly then started to curl up into a ball and began crying. 'Ben, you okay? It's me Matt. Do you have a paci in your bag?' Ben nodded again without interrupting his crying. Matt reached out and grabbed the pacifier from the Paw Patrol bag that was on the ground and put it in Ben's mouth. 'I'll be back, I'm gonna get James, okay? He's just across the hall, I'll be back in a moment.' Matt quickly rushed out of the room and came back in with James behind him. 'I don't know what happened, he just curled up and started crying, is he gonna be all right?'

'He'll be fine.' James said crouching next to Ben. 'Babe? It's me, James. Do you want nursie bear?' Ben nodded, through the crying; James could hear a slight sucking noise. 'Did you give him his paci?' Matt nodded.

'Yeah I did. It was my first thought. It's what my daddy does when I start to cry.'

'Thanks, Ben? Are you feeling better?' Ben started to sniffle and looked up. 'There we are, good man. Now that you're feeling a bit better, do you want to come and meet some of the other people here?' Ben nodded and took James's hand. 'Hey Matt, did you mention his dad?'

A Series of Sexual Misadventures 4 - Ben the Bed WetterWhere stories live. Discover now