Chapter 8 - Birthday

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'Wakey wakey Ben. Baby, you know what day it is?' James lightly shook his boyfriend's shoulder.

'What, what happened? What's wrong? James?' Ben sat up feeling around him without opening his eyes and ended up touching his own wet diaper. 'Is today the day you forgot to change me?'

'No, I wouldn't, oh, so I did, sorry babe. But that's not why I woke you this early. It's November the 7th silly! It's your birthday.'

'O that, right, I totally remembered that. I was testing you. You passed.'

'You can't test me babe. You're a baby all day, okay? I've made dinner plans and set up a tournament of a game you like.'

'What game?'

'You'll find out later, but first, you have to sit in bed and wait for your father, who I texted two minutes ago telling him you were awake so he could bring you something.' There was a knock on the bedroom door. 'You're late Chris. Was the orange juice not good enough for your tastes?' Ben's dad Chris walked in carrying a tray of food which included a glass of lemonade, eggs, bacon, pancakes, and a couple of pieces of toast which had "Oh Hi, I'm Bi" written on them with rainbow cake icing.

'Before you ask son, yes, I am. You're not to tell anyone at all, you two are the only people who know.' He said putting the tray on Ben's lap. Both of the boys nodded silently.

'I'll be back in a bit, okay babe?' Ben nodded, his face stuffed full of food and his stomach covered in lemonade, grease from the bacon, egg from the eggs and crumbs from the toast. 'I love you with all your perks.' James leaned in for a kiss and stole some of the food that was in Ben's mouth. 'You should love me with all of mine, including stealing your food. Sorry, I haven't eaten much today, I was too busy baking.' He said quickly before running out of the room and downstairs.

'Dad?' Ben asked, swallowing the last mouthful of food that was on the plate. Chris turned towards his son and smiled.

'Yeah pal?' He asked.

'How long has it been since you made someone breakfast in bed? Not including that time last week.'

'Must have been about five years ago now. I made your mum breakfast in bed on the day that she- that we-'

'The day she died.'

'Yeah.' Ben heard running up the stairs and James barged into the room.

'Chris, you're needed downstairs. Birthday boy, you're going to wear something I designed just for you. Come here.' He walked over to the wardrobe, practically tugging Ben behind him. He pulled out a onsie that had pacifiers, baby bottles, diapers, and letter blocks on it. 'I call it Ben's Baby Birthday suit. It was made specifically for Ben and Ben's Baby Birthday. Trademark me. Do you like it?'

'I love it!' Ben reached for it and tried to put it on without James's help but got stuck.

'Before I put this awesome onsie on you, diaper change. You look soaked buddy.' James lay Ben down on the bed behind them and took his diaper off. He grabbed for the packet of baby wipes he always had nearby and cleaned Ben's dick and ass before putting a fresh new diaper on the naked boy. James then helped Ben get into his sweet gear for the day before taking him downstairs into the lounge, which was completely dark. Suddenly all of the lights turned on and people jumped out from behind the furniture.

'SURPISE!' They all yelled simultaneously. In the corner of the room, there was a large pile of presents but what really caught Ben's eye were the nine PS4s with Minecraft all loaded up and ready to go. Each screen had a name in big letters on top of it and bits of wood and stuff next to them on either side to prevent cheating. 'Which do you want to do first Ben? Game or Presents?' James asked, before he could blink, Ben was sitting down at the computer that had Birthday Boy written on it. James began to explain how the game would work. 'It's pretty simple. All players will spawn on the exact same block and then randomly split between the map. The map size is large but not infinite. The aim of the game is to kill all the other players or wait until they die. Game is on hardcore mode and waiting for 9 players. I will join last so everyone else can take their seats, a note however, if you leave your seat for more than half a minute, the game will kill you. Let's begin.' James took his seat and the game began, two hours after the game had started there were only five players left. Rose died from a zombie, Matt and Dylan died from falling in lava, and Jack drowned. Chris, Ben, James, Lucy, and Chelsea were still alive at 10:00AM, exactly two hours after the game had begun. Lucy and Chelsea were locked in combat and were just about to kill each other when Ben shot Chelsea with a bow to kill her. Shortly after he disposed of Chelsea, he shot an arrow of poison at Lucy to finish him off as well. The two techies stood up and walked over to the three spectator systems. Suddenly Chris ran into a few Wither Skeletons and was burnt to a crisp by falling in lava while fighting one. That left Ben and James. The two boys knew each other's tactics perfectly and figured out that they would both head for the centre of the map. They both reached the middle of the map at the same moment and had a quick private discussion that the spectators couldn't see. They both agreed to let the other accept the win, therefore crowning both of them as the winner. It was a flawless plan. Both of the boys took each other down to half health perfectly to make it seem like an actual battle and killed each other at the exact same moment declaring a tie. Both of the boys stood up at the same time after their win and started to make out in front of all of their friends. When they pulled themselves apart the others had crowded around them and had each grabbed a present from the pile. James got everyone to sit in a big circle on the ground, making sure he was sitting next to Ben. They each handed him a present and he unwrapped them. The first one that his dad gave him was a quad pack of TBDL Pacifiers, the second gift was a butt plug, Matt gave him a kids piano, Jack and Dylan each gave him a hat, one that said "Proud TBDL" and one that said "I  Diapers". Lucy gave him an iPad, Rose gave him 3 big packets of baby wipes, and James gave him two gifts. They were both huge presents. The first one James had to get help to move, it was a two teenager sized crib and the other was a voucher booklet filled wit personal vouchers. The gift exchange and other party games lasted until six PM. James ordered them all to get into their cars and head to a nearby restaurant called "The Custom". They handled custom parties like Ben's. When they got there a table had been set up with chairs and a teen sized high chair. Ben took the high chair with James next to him, they had a great dinner and for dessert, a cake was delivered with a quartet singing happy birthday. The cake had the words "Average diaper wearing teenage boy," written on it. 'You have no clue how hard it was to get that on there.' James mentioned in a whisper to Ben. The rest of the night went smoothly. The party finished at nine at night when Ben, James and Chris got home and Ben decided to use one of his vouchers early. "One free blowjob." Ben wanted to use this voucher immediately. Chris headed to bed early to give the two kids some privacy. Ben lay down on the couch with his diaper on the ground next to him as James started to suck on his hard dick. Once Ben had came In James's mouth they decided to head to bed early and naked. The rest of their lives went well. James and Ben got married, and kept wearing diapers, they had two kids and let them wear diapers for however long they wanted to and they lived happily ever after.

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