Chapter Twelve (Harry's POV) Part 1

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I woke up to my bed shaking and a crack of thunder ripping thought the air. I jumped a bit but finally realized that there was someone else in my bed, cuddled up to me with both their legs and arms wrapped around me. I looked down and as another strike of lightning lit up my room I saw that it was Jessica. I felt her body tremble as the thunder rumbled through the house and I quickly wrapped my arms around her. I knew that was what she was waiting for.

I laid there with her for a moment before she spoke, “Harry, are you still awake?”

I looked down at her and smiled, “Yeah Jes, I am.”

She cuddled up closer to me and I leaned down to kiss her forehead, “So, does this mean I am forgiven?”

She looked up at me, “No.

I was a bit caught off guard by her reply.

“I’m not going to forgive you just yet Harry. But I am not going to push you away anymore because pushing you away only makes things harder on me.”

I guess that was alright with me, “Okay,” I said smiling to myself, “Are you coming to Lou’s tomorrow with us?”

I felt her nod her head and hide her face in my neck as the last strike of lightning struck. After that the rain ceased and I felt Jessica’s muscles relax, meaning she was asleep.

I closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep along with her.


I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my night stand. I grabbed it and rubbed my eyes. 4 missed calls and 23 unread messages. I looked at the time; it was only 6:30. How could this have happened?

“Harry, are you going to shower first or can I?” I looked up to see Jessica wrapped in a towel and standing in my door way. My eyes trailed up her legs and I got to her midsection before she snapped her fingers.

“Hey! My eyes are up here, Hazza!”

I focused on her eyes at that moment, “Ehm, you can go ahead and shower.”

She smirked as she turned and walked away towards the bathroom. I smirked too and turned my gaze back on my phone.

I had 2 missed calls from Louis, one from my mum, and one from Ed. I looked confused and decided to check my messages first before calling them back. Most of them were just twitter updates from twitter, but I also had some from Louis, Eleanor, and Ed. I looked at the two from Ed and stared at the confused.

-Hey man! You never replied, you alright? What happened?-

-Oh! I see! Haha congrats man, proud of you!-

I didn’t understand these messages, I did reply to him last night! Did it not send? I went on to the one from Eleanor.

-We need to talk today. I will see you at Lou’s.-

That one made some sense, even though I had no clue what we needed to talk about. Finally I looked at the message from Louis and my confusion reached an all time high.

-Atta boy Harry! Way to go you stud! See you later today. x-

I was so confused that I sat my phone down and laid back in my bed. I stared up at the ceiling. I heard my phone buzz and I grabbed it quickly. It was from Zayn.

-Look at our Sugarscape page.-

I grabbed my laptop from under my bed and logged on. I went on to Sugarscape and saw the headline that almost made my jaw drop.

“Harry Styles Confirms Relationship With Jessica Bauer On Twitter!”

I clicked on the link and I saw the picture that was supposed to be sent to Ed last night plastered on the screen with the caption “Awww, our little Hazza makes such a sweet boy friend.”

I laughed at the caption but quickly logged onto my twitter to see if this was true. Of course it was true, how else would they have gotten that picture?

I clicked on my profile, and I saw the link to the picture right on top. I couldn’t believe I had done this.

I heard Jessica open the bathroom door and I quickly shut my computer. Maybe she wouldn’t find out. She never went on twitter anyways.

I got up and slipped into the bathroom without saying a word to Jessica. What was I going to do about this?

(Jessica’s POV)

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my favorite white cardigan and a light blue tank top. I threw them on my bed along with a pair of white skinnies. I grabbed my go-to black bra and matching underwear. I quickly got dressed and walked out into the kitchen to find Harry standing in front of the fridge covered in only a towel. Now it was my turn to stare. I looked over his toned torso and glanced up at his wet curls before I saw an apple come flying towards me.

I caught it and threw it back at Harry. He caught it and lunged towards me. I ran away and almost got halfway down the hall before I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the ground. Harry carried me into his room and threw me down on the bed. He hovered over me and after a few minutes of struggling I gave up and looked up at Harry. His smile made me smile and I stared up into his perfectly blended green eyes. I hated how he made me feel sometimes. In fact, at sometimes I hated everything about him. But right now all I wanted to do was lie with him and be in his arms.

I felt Harry lean down towards me and I knew what was coming next. I readied myself for a kiss, but before his lips could find mine his phone buzzed and he looked away. I slumped my shoulders a bit as he got up and walked over to his phone. I brushed the few droplets of water off of my face that had fallen from his curls. I got up and walked towards the door.

“We should probably leave soon,” I heard him say. I nodded my head as I headed down the hallway to my room and grabbed my black strappy Guess shoes Harry had gotten me at some point in time. I put them on and walked into the living room to see Harry standing there in his pink jumper and a pair of jeans. I smiled at him and grabbed him his white converse. He thanked me and quickly slipped them before standing up and walking over to the door. He opened the door and held it open for me and I turned around and locked the door.

I turned back around to see Harry with his arm extended out for me to take. Instead I wrapped my arm around his torso and he returned the favor. We walked together down the hallway with smiles on our faces. I looked over at his jumper and tugged on it, “I absolutely love this jumper, by the way.”

He looked down at me and smiled, “I know.” That was his only reply. I smiled as we walked outside and down the street to his car. I tried to ignore the paparazzi but there were a lot of them today. We walked passed Harry’s Range Rover and I looked up at him confused.

“What are we doing?” I asked.

He remained silent as he led me to the passenger side of the most beautiful car I had ever seen in my life; an Audi R8.

He looked at me and smiled as I climbed in the passenger seat and examined the inside of the car. Harry got in and started the car and the engine purred so nicely.

He looked over at me, “You like?”

“Um, yes!” I said excitedly, “More like I love!”

“Yeah well I figured you kind of needed a car and I was getting a bit bored with my Range Rover, so her you go. He placed the keys in my lap and I looked up at him in disbelief.

I was about to say something but he cut me off, “Take it as another one of the ways I am going to apologize to you until you forgive me.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before pulling away from the curb and heading towards Louis’ house.

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