Chapter Four (Harry's POV)

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*3 days later*

I woke up in a daze. I attempted to roll over only to find a pair of arms around me. I looked down at the skinny, frail arms. It took me a minute to realize who it was. She was sleeping next to me peacefully, like she was in heaven. What can I say? I am pretty good at pleasing the ladies.

I laughed at my stupid joke as I wiggled my way out of her arms and toward the kitchen. I looked in the fridge, and then realized we literally didn’t have any food.

Then it hit me. I speed walked down the hall to the room at the end, only to have my hopes crushed when I was greeted by a vacant room. I went back into my room and stood next to my bed.

“Amber. Amber, wake up.”

She rolled over to her side and looked up at me and smiled. Then she sat up in the bed, “What’s up, babe?”

Babe? Was she really calling me that? I shook off that thought, “Wanna go get something to eat?”

“Why can’t we just stay here and mess around?” She said with seductive eyes. I knew I had to shoot that idea down before I got reeled in.

“I’m too hungry to function, plus we have no food in the house.”

She looked at me with disapproving eyes, “Well, maybe if someone when shopping…”

I turned my head away. It was Jessica’s turn to go to the market. Amber got up out of my bed and walked over to my shirts. She was about to lung for my Ramones shirt when I picked it up, almost snatching it. I threw it on quickly and walked out of the room.

“Really?” She called after me.

“I was going to wear it!” I really wasn’t, but this was Jessica’s favourite shirt of mine; I never let any girl I knew wear it, except for her.

I walked into the bathroom and suddenly had the urge to vomit right then and there. This was all my fault. I had made her mad. I was the reason she had left; because I was a jackass. I knew about her feelings for me and I when and played with her heart. But I didn’t do it intentionally, did I? No, I didn’t.

My thoughts were interrupted by a pair of small arms wrapping around my waist. I turned around to see Amber with my pink jumper on, another one of Jes’ favourites.

“You ready, babe?”

I really hope she didn’t think we were a thing, “Yes! Lets go!”


We got to the restaurant and sat down at our table. I didn’t even know where we were, nor did I care. All that was on my mind was my best friend and her whereabouts. My phone buzzed from in my pocket and I picked it up with anticipation.

-Incoming Call: Ellienor-

I smirked at my caller ID, she hated when I called her that. I answered the phone, “Why, hello dear.”

“Don’t mess with me Styles, where is Jessica?”

I was so caught off guard by this, one: she was being rather rude, and two: she wasn’t with Jes, and I was sure she would be. “What do you mean?”

“Oh, sorry, I guess a better question would be what did you do, idiot?”

“Woah, El, calm down, you mean to tell me Jes isn’t over at your place?”

“No, she’s not. She told me she was on her way over here, but then I told her Louis was over, so I assumed she changed her mind. Now she won’t answer any of my called or texts. What did you do?”

“How do you know it was me?” I knew exactly how she knew, Jes told her everything, especially when it came to guys.

“That isn’t the point, Harold. I need to figure this out. Will you please come over here?”

I heard the worry pick up in her voice, “Well, I’m kind of…”

“With a girl. Typical. Good to know you care, Styles.” *Click*

What the hell was she talking about, I did care. I just know Jessica. She’s probably over at Liam’s or Zayn’s, somewhere no one would come looking for her right away.

Amber looked up from her plate of food that I had not even realized was there, “Who was that?”


“Who’s Eleanor?” Her voice sounded irritated and upset.

“Lou’s girl.”

“Oh.” Her mood seemed to cheer up instantly. Alright, its definitely time for this to be cleared up.

“Listen, Amber. What we have going on, it was fun, but…”

“Please don’t tell me you’re dumping me…”

I looked at her with confused eyes, “How can I dump you when we weren’t together in the first place?!”

I could see in her eyes she was hurt. “Fine, I get it.” And with that she got up and walked out of the restaurant. I ran out after her only to see her get in a cab and drive off.

I wasn’t really affected by this, only the fact that that was the second girl to leave my presents in tears this week. Then my mind shot back to Jessica and the conversation I had with Eleanor. I jumped in my car and raced over to her house.

I got to Eleanor’s door and knocked on the door. She opened the door with a surprised look on her face, “I didn’t think you would be here so soon”

I made my way to the couch and pulled out my phone. First I called Louis, and got a negative answer. Then I called Niall and Zayn, who were together. They gave me the same answer as Louis. I looked down at my phone in despair and pulled up my last contact. I called Liam and he told me the same as the others.

“I can call Danielle and ask her. I’ll call you right back.”

A slight hope started to rise within me. Danielle and Jes had become closer over the past month or so, maybe she knew. I was staring at my phone, waiting for it to ring when Eleanor came over to me.

She put a cup of coffee down on the table for me and put her arms around me. I thought she was attempting to comfort me, when I realized she needed the comfort. I sat on the couch and embraced her, stroking the back of her hair.

Just then the door flew open and Louis strolled in. He looked at me and giggled, “Haha, thank god you are my best friend.”

I heard El giggle and I knew Lou could cheer her up more than I could. She pulled away and wiped the tears from her face.

Just then I felt my phone buzz. Here it is, moment of truth. I answered my phone and my face instantly dropped with I heard the bad news.

We all sat in silence as I hung up the phone. Finally I decided to turn the telly on, but the only thing on was the news.

“In more recent news a deadly and potentially fatal crash has occurred just a mile from our station.”

The thought ran through my head for a split second before I forced my mind to blank it out. I began to listen again.

“Sources say a young girl was waiting for this stop light to change when she was rear ended by a drunk semi-truck driver. The semi hit her at an estimated speed of 124 KPH. The car, a Range Rover…”

No. No they didn’t just say that.

“…proceeded to flip 4 times before finally stopping.”


“The victim is said to be in critical condition, and has yet to be identified. Sources say that it is 20 year old Jessica Bauer…”

There it was, that gut wrenching feeling again. What had I done. This was all my fault. I sprinted out of the house, not caring where I was going, I needed to find her. I needed to see her.

I needed to tell her I’m sorry…

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