Present Month (Month after conciling stopped)

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(Warning: this chapter involves sexual assault. Trigger warning .)

"So are you still seeing Dr. Posey?" My sister asked as she sipped her wine. I looked at her and smiled.

"No. I've decided that I'm fine." I whispered, but my sister looked at me, before nodding.

"Addy, there's something you should know about Jev." She paused, I stiffened for a moment before relaxing, "Zoie and him got a divorce. He found out she wasn't pregnant. She lied, a last effort to keep him trapped in their marriage."

I froze as my attention on my sister grew sharper, "What? How do you know this?"

"Jev, came and found me. He told me he wanted to talk to you. But he knew you wouldn't listen. He said he wanted you to know because he still loves you. And baby, I wouldn't tell you this if I didn't have a reason too. But I do. And that is, I think you should talk to him. I don't think he went about your relationship right, but baby he loves you. So in love he's gone. And you're gone for him too. He's sweet and he handled you with care. I'm not saying marry him, I'm not even saying date him, but reach out to him. Be his friend. Because he needs one just as bad as you do. You guys could benefit from each other." She whispered while grabbing my hand.

"Maddy, I don't think I can do that." I whispered brokenly, "When all that stuff went down..I just broke. And it took me forever to get back to me. And now here I am. I am me, finally. I don't think I could handle just being his friend. I love him too much. But I could not be anything else with him or to him because I would not be able to handle it if he decided to leave."

My sister studied me for a while before sighing, "All I'm saying baby, is think about it. But you know your feelings better then anyone else, so it's all up too you."

I nodded at her, before turning my attention to the coffee shop. I didn't know what I wanted anymore. I knew that if I let my mind wonder towards Jev, I would call him immediately and I would gladly go back to him. I just knew it. But I also knew for my own sanity that I couldn't do that. I've just gotten to that place where I can finally be somewhat happy. And did I really want to leave the comfort of my happiness? I knew I could be happier if I let myself, but in order to do that I had to make that call and I didn't think I was officially ready. I knew if I tried hard enough I could make myself extremely happy without him in my life, but I haven't gotten to that point yet. But could I really ignore the information my sister just handed me? Could I ignore the curiosity that was building inside me? 

"I'm sorry babe, I made your mind cast back, didn't I?" My sister spoke softly while reaching for my hand.

"You did. But I'm glad that I know. I'm just struggling with the knowledge of it, you know?" I asked softly, while catching her eyes. "It's new still all very fresh, but trust me I'll be fine."

Madeline nodded, while grabbing her purse and coat, "Alright, honey, I have to go back to work but if you need me at all just call and seriously, I'll be there."


"Yo, Owennnn! Whas up?" I yelled drunkenly over the phone to my best friend. I was dancing and laughing like crazy in the mass of people.

"Addy, where are you?" Owen asked loudly. I giggled as a man stepped up to me and smile at me.

"I'm dancing at nigh cluu," I slurred out, I turned sharply as I felt the mans hands grabbed me by the thighs and lifted my dress all the way up to my waist. "Knock it off asshole." I growled while swatting his hand away except, they didn't move except to grip me harder. He wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me tight to him as his other hand moved to the front of my sex, before I knew what was happening his hand had slipped into my panties and his fingers were rubbing my clit hard. I gasped at the suddened movement. I jerked back from him, and reached down to grab his hand to remove it from my sex when he slipped two fingers deeply inside of me causing me to drop my phone. I cried out in pain as he forcefully thrusted the deeply into me. I arched back trying head but him, which pissed him off. I yelled when I felt him rip my panties, I started struggling even more, trying to get away when his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and he dragged me to a dark part of the club, he shoved me roughly to the wall while continuing to finger me. I heard his belt buckle hit the floor, and I turned my head swiftly to look behind me, he had his penis out and brought one hand up to his mouth to spit on it and brought it back down to his penis, he rubbed his spit all along his shaft and bent down a bit before rubbing himself against my sex roughly, "I'm gonna fuck your tight little pussy so hard. Can't wait to get in there." I started crying hard as I realized I couldn't get away. I felt the knob of his shaft start to push into me which hurt a lot since I was so dry, his shaft was thick and sadly I felt every inch painfully as he shoved into me, but then it stopped and the pressure of his body on mine disappeared completely. I turned around sharply to see Jev gripping the guy by the neck and shoving him against the wall.

"Why the fuck would you do that? She obviously fucking didn't want it. You fucking dick!" Jev roared while throwing a punch in the guys face. "You fucking rapist." Jev spat while shoving his head hard against the wall causing the man to groan before falling unconscious. I stood there staring at Jev as he breathed heavily. Finally he looked at me and I watched as his eyes drifted down to my hips. "Baby, cover yourself." He whispered, I looked down and noticed my dress was still around my waist, I reached down to my hips to pull the dress down, Jev walked to me while I struggled to pull my dress down but Jev stopped me, he kept my dress up as he covered me from everyone else's view, he shrugged his jacket off before wrapping it around me the he took his sweater off and then his t-shirt, then he slipped his sweater back on. He pushed himself deeper into me while bringing the shirt down to my sex. I felt him gently whip me off before tossing his shirt onto the floor and pulling my dress down. "Come on, baby. I'm going to take you back to my place so I can keep an eye on you." I nodded as I grabbed his hand and followed him out.

"Thank you for saving me tonight Jev." I whispered, as he helped me into his truck. He smiled softly before reaching in to kiss me on my cheek.

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