"Do not!" The children began to wrestle on the bed as Mary and Garren held each other in a tight embrace. They weren't worried about the kids getting out of control. In the last month they had been forced to grow up at an accelerated, if unfair, pace. It was obvious they had grown to cherish each other more than they ever did before the world went to hell. By the time Simon returned with the packaged entrees and grape sodas they were out cold on the bed. Even as Simon came in and prattled for another ten minutes they remained asleep together, exhausted from the constant running.
When Simon finally left they were thankful for the silence although it was hard not to really like the 'special' young man. They ate, tried momentarily to wake the unresponsive little ones and then decided to crawl into the bed with them; they could always eat when they woke up. Obviously, sleep was what they all needed the most right now. Before unconsciousness took him, Garren looked over his family and thanked God that he still had them; knowing full well that wasn't the norm anymore. It was a rare moment of peace for which he was grateful.
If only he had known how rare it was. In striking difference to the way Garren had fallen asleep, he awakened to blaring sirens and the screams of his children. With the room no longer lit by overhead light but by flashing emergency lights instead, he had only a moment to try to assess the situation. What was happening? How long had they been asleep? The door came crashing open; it was Simon.
"C'mon Daniels' family! You need to get up; we probably need to go now!"
"Simon, what the hell's going on?" Garren screamed above the blaring alarm.
"Probably means, if I'm being honest, that...they...have gotten in somewhere. It's never happened before." The Daniels had survived this long by large part due to Alice having kept them prepared for movement at a moment's notice. The family was dressed with their possessions in their hands' in thirty seconds and following behind the young man in the flashing hallways. The alarms went silent a few minutes into their hurried journey to reveal that Simon had been chattering on the entire way.
"-probably, but that isn't anything I can say for sure. Chuck doesn't think we'll need to evacuate. It's probably the east gate that was penetrated and so it shouldn't be too hard. They really shouldn't be anywhere close to this wing..." Simon's seemingly endless stream was interrupted by screams from ahead of them...the direction they were going. Simon threw his arms out before the family in a defensive position. "...probably. I think we should definitely, probably, go the other way."
"Go...go." Alice urged. Garren scooped up Tim and Mary into his arms. Fueled by adrenaline, they were light as feathers. Simon pulled out his Colt .45 and they began, cautiously, back the way they came. Simon pulled out a flashlight and held it parallel to his gun sight as they progressed. The screams behind them were getting louder. When they reached an intersection they stopped.
"Which way?" Garren asked.
"Right." Simon called out. They took a few steps in that direction when they were met with more screams of terror. There was nothing visible in the flashlight's beam but the cries seemed to come from right next to them; the old building holding unique echo lanes, and they stopped again.
"Left," Simon offered, "Probably left then." The group started the other way, Simon now on point. Eventually they found themselves in a locker-room with no other ways out; it was a dead end. Alice, who never panicked, kept Tim and Mary calm while Garren pulled Simon back into the hall.
"Simon, we're trapped here. What are we going to do?"
"It's okay," Simon reassured. "There's a vent in the back. It just pops off easily, if I'm being honest, and it goes to parking garage. There's some cars there; we keep the keys in them. They will work..."
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