Episode 8

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Your P.O.V:

We busted the guild doors and saw natsu making out with lucy and lasagna-I mean lissana at the corner, and they were moaning like crazy but they didn't care. Wendy and romeo were making out at the bar, cana and bixlow were kissing on top of the table, freed and a random girl was kissing at the stairs,evergreen and elfman were making out at the far corner of the bar, gray and juvia were also making out at the left corner of the guild door and they dont even give a fuck even if someone heard them. I looked at my guild mates and we started throwing up. Then we heard a scream 'more like a moan' coming from the infermary and someone moaning 'jellal' and 'erza' so we all throwed up again and I said "L-lets just teleport at the masters office *blughghg*"we all nodded and teleported at the masters office, hopefuly he was signing paper work so I said

"Hello makarov" he looked at me and said "Hello, who are you and what do you need ?" We all chuckled and took our hood back and said "we are the etheral fang, I am Jade Nhulric, an ex-fairy and the guild master of Etheral Fang" then we all introduced ourselves and I said "We are here to say that a member of a fairytail came and try to destroy our Guild gates" he looked shock and said "Where is the proof?" I sighted and activated my arcine magic and showed him the picture and he stormd out of the room with us following him and he looked shock at the scene so all of us coverd our eyes and makarov said "Ahem, Oi You BRATS, YOU CAUSED MORE AND MORE PAPER WORK, THIS ISN'T THE FAIRYTAIL THAT I KNOW, THIS IS NOT THE FARYTAIL THAT MAVIS CREATED, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DAMAGE YOU CAUSED AND HOW MUCH RUCUS YOU HAVE MADE HERE, THE OTHER GUILDS WERE COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS AND THAT AND I AM GETTING TIRED OF IT, DO YOU KNOW THAT OUR MONEY ARE DECREASING BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS FUCK SOME GIRLS AND WE PAY FOR THEIR NEEDS, AND THE ETHERAL FANG GUILD CAME AND SAID THAT A MEMBER OF FAIRTAIL TRIED TO DESTROY THEIR GATE, NATSU, YOU BURNED IT, WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO DO THERE HUH!?!?!!!? ROBERING!?!? WHAT KIND OF GUILD IS THIS?!?!"

He calmed down and they were all listening to him, I cleard my throat and showed them a picture of the gate and they all gasped except one, natsu was laughing and said "SO WHAT ARE YA GAONNA DO ABOUT IT?!?!huh, IM GONNA A FUCK YOU TILL YOU CANT WALK YOU BITCH?!?" I sighted and said "You are not yet forgiven, lets make a bet, if we win the GMG, you will not participate for the GMG in 15 years and if we win, we will not participate in the GMG in the next 15 years, deal?" They all smirked and pussy-I mean lucy said "Deal" I smirked and said "Hope you lose Pussy-I mean lucy and lasagna-I mean lissana" I throwed a black smoke and we all teleported away. When we teleported to the guild hall, we laughed and I said "I cant believe they were fucking themselves!! Hahahahhahah" the others laughed and mira said "I-I also saw natsu slaping his butt instead of lucy hahhahahaha" we all laughed and michael said "I saw the girl with glasses fucking a big dude man that only cares of the pride of a man, they-they dont even knw how to do s** hahahahah" we all laughed and laughed until someone knocked the bell at our gate so I opened the gate and the guild door was busted open, I saw natsu,a cranky pussy-I mean lucy,a sore legged lasagna-I mean lissana,a bruised erza,a bonerd jellal,a soon to be nude evergreen and a drunk elfman. We were still laughing out butts of but when the guild doors opened, we all stood up fast and put our cloaks so they cang see our face, I said "What is uour buisiness here?" Natsu smirked and said "I am here go fuck you!" I lookd at him in disgust and said "Go fuck yourself, your'e just a pussy when it comes to fighting" they all got angry and started to ruin the whole guild bet then when they shattered some vases, the vases were formed again to their original position like they were brand new with no scratches and it did'nt seem that it had been moved an inch for it to break. They wre all shocked (excpet mah guild mates) so I said "If you are here you take us down, think of a strategy first, then come at me, lets see your master if she really is a tactitian" we all smirked and I teleported them away and they guild was back to normal.

We all laughed and I received a letter:

Dear Etheral Fang,
We are giving you the Hupplepuff inn to stay, you should be there before midnight, if not, then you are disqualified.

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