f o u r

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I saw him today.

He looked like whole new person. His skin glowed, his smile lit up the room and his eyes were ecstatic.

I wondered what could've happened to make him so happy.

And then she walked towards him.

Right into his arms.

And I could feel
my whole world
start to close in on me.

Their smiles suffocated me.

Their laughter leered at my face.

And their hugs and kisses crushed my heart.

H-how did this happen?
What happened to the boy who said he'd wait for me to love him back?

All I needed was time.

And now he was gone.

For her.

Anger, jealousy, sadness,
they all mixed together until I couldn't even tell the difference between them.

What did she have that I didn't?

What could she do that I couldn't?

What was she like that I wasn't?

Maybe it's my clothes?

My appearance?

My personality?

Maybe it's because you didn't have the guts to chase after what you love.


He said he'd wait for me.

But he didn't.

I turned, and for the second time,
I ran away from him.

It's not like he even noticed me anyway.

As I stormed out, I remembered something he told me before.

He said that he'd wait for
something that was worth it.

Now I understood what he meant.

He would wait for something that would be worth the pain, sadness and tears.

And after all that waiting,
he did find something.


Her. Her. Her. Her.

My heart withered down bit by bit with every mention of her.

Her. Her. Her. Her.
Him. Him. Him. Him.
Them. Them. Them.

What about us?

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