Chapter 14 (Escape Part 1)

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I woke up to see Tord right in front of me. "Hello, (Y/N) had a nice sleep?" He said smiling. You just stared at him. You were very tired right now to speak. He brought you closer to him and kissed you. He didn't let you go and carried you into his office. He places you on a chair and continues his work. You just sat there and stared. He noticed this and he got you some paper to draw on. (Sure lets go with that.) You looked at him weirdly. He was still acting like you were his child. You started coloring an escape plan for yourself. He takes your papers and rips them up before you can finish though. You growl in response and he took you back to his room. He places you on his bed and you heard a tree beating at the window. Wait a window? You looked at it and opened it. It wasn't even locked or sealed? You went through the door and ran. You didn't know where you were going, but you ran. 

(Tord ) 

I saw everything from my cameras. She thought she could escape? Hahaha! I send my two most loyal guards Pau and Pat. 


You try to go to Edd, Tom, and Matt's home, but you forgot their house got exploded by the robot (still not saying it) You try to remember Edd's number and  call him. Please pick up please pick up pleaseee. You here a "hello?" "Edd is this you?" "(Y/N)? I missed you! Where are you?" "I'm by the old home can you pick me up?" "Sure." You hanged up, but you heard a faint laughing sound. That sounds familiar, but you couldn't remember then you did remember it was..........


To be continued. I'm sorry i'm such an evil person. Telll me in the comments who you think it is.

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