Chapter nine: Escape

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Kai finally arrived at the stone streets of the Reef Kingdom. The castle stood in front of him and he could hear hundreds of people talking inside. Hesitantly he approached and peaked through the tall doors which were open just a crack. He leaned to look around people's backs and could see a wedding alter.
"Shit the wedding." He cursed quietly. He looked around and saw an open window. He kicked his feet and glided right through it. The room he entered looked like it was set up for the reception. He rattled the door across the room from the window, locked. He wiggled harder then body slammed the door off it's hinges. Guards were standing on either side of the door. "Shit!" He yelled as the guards grabbed him. One spoke into a walkie talkie on their shoulder.
"Unregistered human in the reception room. Repeat unregistered human." The walkie talkie emitted static.

Sachiel and a few guards stood in that small room. Suddenly one of the guard's walkie talkie got a signal.
"Unregistered human in the reception room. Repeat unregistered human." The guards turned to Sachiel.
"Stay here!" They said.
"People of the Reef Kingdom!" Sachiel's father spoke, "I am proud to present the groom, my son, Sachiel!" He gestured to the curtain at the entrance of the small room. No one came out. "Sachiel!" Come out!" Still nothing. He pushed the curtain back and looked inside. The room was empty. "Find him!" He yelled to no one.

Sachiel dashed through hallways trying to find to find where the reception room was. His hair was getting messy but he didn't care. He turned a corner and saw three guards speeding toward him, he turned around and dashed back through the hall.

Kai struggled against the guards trying to free himself. One guard accidentally let their hand slip Kai quickly twisted around and freed himself from the other guard. He pushed off walls to swim faster down the hundreds of hallways in the castle. He swam through three, four, five hallways before he turned a corner and saw a figure at the end of the hall.
"Sach!" He called. Sachiel swam faster and collided into a hug with Kai. Kai returned the hug before taking Sachiel's face in both his hands. He squinted.
"What?" Sachiel giggled.
"Where are your freckles?" Kai asked. Sachiel rubbed his face, breaking away the makeup covering the spots.
"Why would they cover them, they're cute?" Kai realized what he said and blushed. Sachiel giggled. Guards entered the hallway from each side.
"Found them!" One yelled over their walkie talkie. Kai glanced around and found a window, he smashed the glass with his elbow. He grabbed Sachiel's hand and kicked out the window. He didn't stop swimming but he glanced back to see a few guards had followed. Kai swam faster and outpaced the guards. They found the only hiding place, behind a large rock. After hours of sitting in silence it seemed they had lost the guards.
"We can't stay in the water," Sachiel said.
"That's probably true, but we may never find the black submarine people if we leave." Kai replied.
"Yeah. I don't know what to do." Sachiel sighed, "what's the closest land."
"Um." Kai kicked up. It was a long way to the surface. Kai broke into the air and breathed it in for the first time in a while. Sachiel came up a few seconds later. Luckily it was almost dark.

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