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I sprayed on a little perfume and looked at me in my body length mirror

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I sprayed on a little perfume and looked at me in my body length mirror. I smiled at the results of my outfit.

I grabbed my phone then headed downstairs and out the house

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I grabbed my phone then headed downstairs and out the house. I got inside my black matte Jeep Wrangler. I started up the car and connected my phone to the Bluetooth. Gucci Mane began to play loudly through the speakers as I drove down the street headed to my mom's house.

"You get the bag and fumble it. I get the bag and flip it and tumble" I rap along with the song bobbing my head back and forth to the beat of the song.

I had to figure out a way to fit all my favorite songs into a 20-minute drive, I somewhat did it.

There were a lot of cars parked in her driveway and outside the house so I had to park further down. I got out the car and pulled down my pant legs a little. I stared at my reflection through my window making sure I still looked okay. I already knew my mom or cousins would keep poking at stomach since I decided to show a little skin. I ran my fingers through my hair a couple of times.

I reached and grabbed my purse off the passenger seat then headed down the sidewalk to the front door.

As I approached the door I could hear people talking on the inside of the house. I turned the knob just to see if the door was unlocked and it was, so I walked right inside. Instantly the smell of soul food smacked me in the face and I was happy as hell. I could smell collard greens and dressing in the air.

There was family sitting around in the living room on the couches, I greeted them. There were family and friends in the dining room and den. I had yet to find my mom so I knew she was probably in the kitchen.

I spoke to everyone in the rooms before heading to the kitchen to speak with my mom. My mom was standing around talking with her sisters, cousins, and friends.

"Hey ma" I greet walking over to my mom who was sitting on a stool beside the countertop. I give her a hug and peck her cheek. I haven't seen her in about two weeks or so.

"Hey honey" She replies. I speak to everyone else in the room as well.

"Where's your little friend?" She asks and I just laugh and shake my head. No matter how old I get, my boyfriend will always just be my "little friend"

"He's at home" I respond to her.

"Mmh you think you cute huh?" She questions jokingly poking my belly button.

"How you got on this tube top but then got on uggs. Are you cold or hot?" My older cousin asks.

"Wow I've been here for 2 seconds and y'all already coming for my existence" I laugh walking over to the oven trying to see what was still cooking.

"Dinner ready?" I question peeking into the oven.

"I mean yeah but the macaroni is still in the oven" My mom tells me. Now she knows good and well I love macaroni. I want my own to go plate just with macaroni to take home with me later.

"Tell me when it's done"

I walk upstairs to the bathroom to take some pictures in the mirror, I was feeling myself. I took a couple of pictures on snapchat posting them to my story. I sent a couple of the pictures to David.

"Bianca!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. "Coming!" I yell back as I gallop down the stairs.

"Yeah?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen.

"You remember Joyce and her son Chris right?" My mom asks me. My eyes widen.

"How could I forget about my best friend?" I walk over to him and gave him a big hug. I hadn't seen or spoken to him since we were like 15 after he moved in with his dad out of town.

"Hey momma" I give Joyce a hug as well.

"Chris wow. C'mon we gotta catch up" I grab his hand and pull him out the kitchen. Since the family was literally everywhere throughout the house I decided to just go outside on the porch. I sat down on the step and he sat down beside me.

"Awnn you don't have braces anymore. Wow, it's been way too long since we've talked" I reply with a smile looking at him. Chris grew up well, puberty did him right. He wasn't ugly before, he was cute, but now he's a five-course meal.

"Yeah, I know, after I moved it's like you said fuck me" Chris laughs shaking his head.

Chris was the popular kid at school and the class clown. No matter what the situation is he could manage to make the entire class, including the teacher, laugh. He just had a personality that everyone loved, especially the girls.

All the girls at school were head over heels for him. They tried so hard and did too much to get his attention. I think that's why we ended up being such good friends. I never gave him the light of day and that just drawn him to me.

From there, the girls would always try to befriend me to get closer to Chris.

Even though he denies it, I knew when he first started talking to me, he had the intentions of dating me.

When we were 7th graders he was dating freshmen and when we were only freshmen he was dating juniors and seniors at the school.

"No the phone works both ways sir"

"We used to be close as hell. I miss you" Chris tells me slightly pushing my shoulder.

"Awnn I miss you too," I smile pinching his cheek "You still out here hoeing?"

Chris literally had all the hoes. In the 6 years I knew him, he was never in a committed relationship. Well, the girls were in committed relationships with him. He entertained like 10 girls at a time and no one cared! The girls had no morals. If he said jump, they'd ask how high.

They were out here fucking and sucking, just straight up wilding for this boy.

He claims he never just gave the dick out, but c'mon now. If pussy is being thrown, niggas will turn into Odell Beckham Jr.

Instead of answering the question he just laughs, "I'm chillin," He shrugs his shoulders.

"Are you back out here?"

"Yeah, I've been living out here for like a year"

"And you still ain't reach out. Wow you're fake as hell" I roll my eyes at him.

"I'll make up for it, let's do something on like Friday or something" Chris replies taking out his phone handing it over to me. I'm assuming he was asking for my number so I just typed it in and then called myself so I'd have his number too.

"Yeah I'm down I gotta make sure I'll be free"

"Ooh lil miss "ion need a man" got a boyfriend now?" Chris teases poking me on my side. I laugh and grab his arm looking at all the tattoos on it. He has on a plain white t-shirt which revealed all the tattoos on his arms and by the looks of it, it looked like he had more.

"Yeah yeah yeah c'mon let's go eat"

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