The Run Around

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I woke up to my head pounding and my stomach doing backflips. I laid there sprawled out across the bed still in my birthday outfit. I sat up slowly, looking around the room. I don't even remember coming home last night, all I remember is dancing with my cousins then everything went blank. I pulled  back the covers and started to get up but my headache was even worse. I laid right back down.


There were Advil and a bottle of water sitting on my nightstand. I reached over and grabbed it popping two pills into my mouth and drinking it down.

My purse was sitting on the bed beside me and I reached over and grabbed it. I grabbed my phone to see a bunch of missed calls and texts from David. I ignored it and facetimed Parish. It rang a couple of times and she picked it up.

"You finally up?" She chuckles.

"What happened last night? I feel like shit" I reply with a little laugh.

"Girl you got fucked up" Parish laughs. It looked like she was in her car driving. I tapped the screen to see the time, it was almost 1 in the afternoon.

"I don't even remember coming home last night" I laugh.

"Chris had to carry yo ass in the house you was out of it. At the party, you were dancing, falling, standing on tables and shit" Parish states. "You was crying and shit whenever he made you sit down. The shit was hilarious" Parish laughs. He was probably the one that left the Advil on my bedside.

Hey, at least I had fun.

"Wow, well lemme get in the shower I'll talk to you later" I tell her. We say our goodbyes and I climb out of bed regardless of the pain I was feeling in my head. I walked into the bathroom and I immediately felt nauseous. It felt like I was throwing up for hours. I stripped down and took a hot shower before returning to my bedroom. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a sports bra then laid right back down. I heard the doorbell ring but I just ignored it and continued to lay there, then it rang again.

I sighed loudly and pulled myself out of bed. I walked down the hall and then down the steps. I walked to the front door and stood on my tip toes to look through the peephole. I unlock the door,

"What do you want?" I say rolling my eyes heading over to the stairs.

"Bianca I'm so sorry. I feel like shit, I'm probably the worst boyfriend ever"

"At least you know" I mumble walking up the steps.

"I don't know how I forgot. I came home from work and seen all the posts, I was calling and texting you all night" He was just rambling on and on behind me but I wasn't trying to hear it.

"Dave shhh I have a headache" I tell him climbing into bed.

"Did you at least have a good time last night?"

"Too much of a good time" I reply laying down grabbing my phone.

"You didn't do anything you weren't supposed to right?"

"Boy shut up" I laugh rolling my eyes.

He takes the phone from my hands and just looks at me, "I know I fucked up but you ain't finna treat me like I'm a goofy"

"Chill out" I tell him "Go grab me a Gatorade out the fridge please"

He just stares at me directly in the eyes before walking out the room. He still had my phone in his hand so I just turned on the tv and snuggled up with my pillow.

I was only able to be comfortable for five minutes before Dave busted back into the room.

"So this nigga really just supposed to be your friend?" He asked looking all flustered. I sat up confused, only to be reminded that I had a banging ass headache.

"Dave what the fuck are you talking about?" I said with a slight attitude due to the fact that he was doing all this yelling knowing that I was hungover.

He flashed my phone in my face and I saw a text from Chris on my screen:

Hope you had a great time last night😜, You was T'd shorty

I read the text message and sighed.

"Dave you're really blowing this out of proportion, he's talking about the party he threw for me on a day that YOU forgot about." Thinking about how he forgot my birthday made me mad all over again.

"Nah fuck all the bullshit, 'hope you had a great time last night'," He says mocking the text message "Then look at the emoji. Fuck was y'all doing at that party?"

"David I'm not finna go back and forth with you. Ain't shit happen period point blank." I tell him laying back down placing my hand on my forehead trying to keep my head from pounding

"Obviously some shit happened so just tell me, I ain't gon get mad" Dave replies tossing my phone onto the bed. "Whatchu do kiss him? Twerk on him? What was it?"

"Nothing happened damn! Drop it!" I sat up a little. I was getting frustrated with the constant nagging even though I already said nothing happened. Like damn. He was making my head hurt even more.

"I saw him kiss your forehead on snapchat when you first got there"

"Wow he kissed my forehead, big deal" I say sarcastically throwing my hands up.

"Let me kiss somebody on their forehead and you'll throw a fucking fit" David retorts

"That's the difference. Chris isn't just somebody, he's my brother!

"That ain't ya damn brother! Draw some fucking boundaries if you wanna keep hanging out with him. That shit isn't okay Bianca"

"Alright David it's whatever you say" I reply rolling my eyes at him.

Fuck does he mean "keep hanging out with him." Aint shit going on between us for me not to be able to. I'd understand if we were flirting or something doing some little suspect shit, but we aren't. That's just my best friend, nothing more nothing less.

"Yeah I know it is" He states "Now get ya fine ass up and get dressed. We finna go"

"Boy fuck you"

He just laughs and pulls back the covers pulling me out of the bed. "C'mon I gotta make up for yesterday. Get dressed, I'll be waiting downstairs" David tells me walking out the bedroom closing the door behind me.

I rolled my eyes and pulled myself out of bed. I took another painkiller then grabbed my phone about to put it on the charger but it started ringing. I look at the caller i.d and it was Chris.

"Hey" I greet.

"Wassup, I just realized I forgot to give you your gift last night" Chris states.

"Oh yeah, I forgot too. It's okay" I say walking over to my dresser grabbing my makeup bag and began looking for my primer.

"You want me to drop it off now or"

"I'm actually about to go so I'll come by and get it tomorrow if that's cool"

"Alright bet." Chris replies "You good now? Last night you was outta there"

"Yeah, my head is just pounding" I laugh shaking my head "Thanks for carrying me in the house"

"No problem that's what I'm here for"

"Well I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta go" I tell him sitting my phone down on the dresser.

"Alright bye"

"Bye bye" I hang up the phone and proceed to beat my face to the gods. I didn't know what David had in store for the day but I was just going to go with the flow. I couldn't continue to give him hell for yesterday, I mean I could but we'd still be in the same predicament. Maybe he'll actually be able to win me over and make up for yesterday.


A/N: What celebrity love story do you all want to see me write?

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