Chapter 1

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Zac woke up and groaned. He wanted to hide away under the covers of his bed. The started to slip through a small gap in his curtains, as if it was trying to mock him, to remind him that everyone else would be fine. He looked on his phone for what could be the last time. He put up some posts about why he would be leaving and he gave all the good luck he had to everyone he knew. He slowly got out of his bed and looked at himself. He looked like your ordinary kid. He was quite tall for a 18 year old. He had short brown hair and blue eyes. He showered regretting every move he made. Why did it have to be him? 

Once he had finished getting dressed he walked downstairs. He sat down at the table and his mum was in the kitchen. She walked in and put a bacon sandwich in front of him. He looked up and saw his mother was starting to cry. He stood up and hugged her, they were both crying now. He felt his tears roll down his cheeks.

"You will always be my boy, remember that." Zac's mum said holding his face and she then kissed him on the head. 

She walked out of the room crying. Zac's sister had not woken up yet and he feared having to say goodbye to her. After their dad had died Zac had been like a father to Ava. He ate his food he was in no hurry the army would come and pick him up. He heard someone run downstairs and he became curious until someone jumped up and hugged him. It was Eva. She was only 12. How could someone have ruin her life so much? Zac smiled and hugged her back.

"I'm gonna miss you!" Eva said crying uncontrollably.

"I'll miss you too..." Zac said with tears soaking his face.

Eva looked up and hugged him once more before running back upstairs. He walked upstairs and picked up his phone. He decided to text Oliver.


 Z: Hi Olvier

O: Hi...

Z: Are you okay?

O: No...

Z: Same...

O: What has happened so far with you?

Z: My sister just had to say goodbye because she will be going to school soon. She was crying like mad.

O: Geez... Are you going to be okay?

Z: Yeah

O: I said goodbye to Oscar just. He wasn't so happy.

Z: Well at least they will have each other.

O: What do you mean

Z: They are both best friends who are going through the same thing

O: Oh...Yeah

Z: Can we take our phones with us?

O: Yeah

Z: K

O: See you later then I guess

Z: Yeah see you later.


Zac put down his phone and sighed burying his head in his hands. His whole body started to shake and he started to shake his head. He blinked away the tears.


He said to himself. He wished he could have gone back in time and flunked all his tests. He wished he could go back in time and pretend to no know anything. He sighed and looked up. Zac wiped away the tears and his sister walked into the room.

"Zaccy?" Eva said calling him by his nickname.

"Yeah?" Zac asked smiling a bit.

"I have to go to school now," She said sitting down by him.

"You do?" Zac asked not realising the time.

"Yeah..." Eva said starting to cry.

"Stay strong," Zac said hugging her, "Oliver's brother will be at school. He knows what you are going through. I will come back. Trust me."

"I love you Zac," Eva said hugging him tightly and then leaving.

It was only an hour later and the army appeared. Zac's mum was in the room with him.

"I love you Zac. You will always be my boy. My boy," She said and she kissed him on the head.

He stood up and they hugged.

"I love you mum," Zac said as he got into the car.

They waved goodbye and the car drove off down the lane. He felt his phone buzz and he smiled. Seeing that Oliver was already at the training base.

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