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~PrincessJin has logged on~

~WrapMonster has logged on~

PrincessJin: Namjoon

WrapMonster: is it only us two online?

PricnessJin: well, yeah obviously it's just the two of us

WrapMonster: wow this is the first time we've been alone together in this chat room~

PrincessJin: we've been alone in this chat room before, Namjoon -_-

WrapMonster: ok well we're ever so rarely alone in this chat-

PrincessJin: I thought everyone else would have been online, didn't I tell everyone to log on around this time?!

WrapMonster: well the kids were pretty tired after coming back to the dorm after practice

PrincessJin: ok, I'll let it slide

WrapMonster: so all the kids are asleep

PrincessJin: yeah

WrapMonster: you know what that means? (;

PrincessJin: no, I actually don't

WrapMonster: wow someone's off their A game

PrincessJin: if you're implying you want to do it, then no. I have way too much things to take care of for tomorrow

WrapMonster: wow someone's a party pooper

PrincessJin: Dont act immature, Namjoon

WrapMonster: I'm not acting immature 🤧

PrincessJin: then will you help me prepare the things we need to do for tomorrow ?

WrapMonster: you know, my legs rreeaallyy hurt, I don't think I should strain them even more by movin—

PrincessJin: you really are no help

WrapMonster: YAH I AM A BIG HELP

PrincessJin: says the one complaining about his pencil legs

WrapMonster: was that an indirect diss-

PrincessJin: what, are you going to diss me in your next rap?

WrapMonster: what's up with you today, babe?

PrincessJin: what do you mean?

WrapMonster: all day you've been a little...

PrincessJin: a little what?

WrapMonster: I don't want to say stuck up..

PrincessJin: so I'm stuck up?


PrincessJin: mhm

WrapMonster: I just mean you've been a little moody lately

PrincessJin: I've just been stressed about something lately, that's all

WrapMonster: want to talk about it?

PrincessJin: no it's fine

WrapMonster: ok babe, whenever you're ready. You know, if you want to take your mind off of it..we could

PrincessJin: no Namjoon we're not doing it !

WrapMonster: oh come on Jin, you don't have to come to me, I learned about this new thing called roleplay, I learned it from the leader from seventeen, s.coups

~Seagull has logged on~

Seagull: mom

PrincessJin: yes, Jungkookie what is it, what's wrong

WrapMonster: ._.

Seagull: I had a nightmare

PrincessJin: ok, I'm coming right now my little kookie~

Seagull: ok

~Seagull has logged off~

WrapMonster: ._.

PrincessJin: no Namjoon!

~PrincessJin has logged off~

WrapMonster: can't I have anything I want?

~WrapMonster has logged off~

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