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I have never seen another person my age that hasn't been in my family and I get to tomarrow! Not to mention leave the house alone! Tomarrows a big day and I can't wait! I am not the least bit scared!

I bet everyone will be so friendly and I'll make so many new friends! One of the best parts is my brother and cousin got to this school too! I have seen all these movies and people seem to break out in song and dance alot at school.

My brother says school isn't like that and that High school is nothing like I could ever imagine. I still can't wait because I am sure it will be perfect and everyone will be kind towards everyone else! I've been stuck at the house my whole life and anything would be better than that!

My mom and dad say I am going to find out alot about myself In highschool and my friends will probably be like me! My parents have been acting kind of weird lately and acting like they need to tell me something.


I so sorry this is so short I promise the next one will be a lot longer I am just trying to explain Autumn's life and I know its mostly past tense. THAT WILL CHANGE!!!!!!! Thanks for bearing with me and reading!

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