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two | are you even a real gay?

          A STREAM OF water flowed from a plastic cup, pouring into the dirt

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          A STREAM OF water flowed from a plastic cup, pouring into the dirt. The morning sun beamed through the window, feeding the green cactus.

            Lifeless eyes stared outside the window, not paying attention to the amount of water leaving the cup. Savannah watched as two friends walked to the bus stop together, laughing and smiling. Jealously stung her heart.

            The two friends faded into the fog. Savannah blinked and then saw her and Carson in their places. They were holding hands, giggling as the bright sun replaced the dark morning. Since the only outfit Savannah's ever seen Carson in was her work uniform, the ginger was wearing it.

            Savannah watched her fantasy self smile wide as Carson kissed her cheek. Blinking, the happy version of herself was gone and the two friends from before were back.

            "Shit!" She cursed when realizing her cup was empty. A loud sigh escaped her lips when seeing the dirt surrounding her cactus soaked. Rolling her eyes, she set the cup next to the pot before making her way to the kitchen.

            "What happened?" Samuel—her younger brother—asked, referring to Savannah's exclaim. He was fully dressed which was odd since he always took so long to get ready in the morning. Violet bags hung underneath his eyes as he poured coffee into a thermos.

            "Nothing." Savannah answered with a shrug. She grabbed an orange bottle from the medicine cabinet. After resting a single pill on her tongue, she turned on the sink water before leaning her head down to gulp the pill. Furrowing her eyebrows, the tip of her index finger pushed her glasses back in place. "Since when do you drink coffee?"

            "Since I started high school." Samuel replied instantly as he twisted the cap of the thermos back on. He held it up in the air, motioning it towards his older sister with a smirk. "Gotta stay on that grind."

            "Gag. Go start the car." She laughed while tossing her car keys to Samuel. The boy rolled his eyes before walking outside. As Savannah waited for the car to warm up, she began to set up Leo's food and water bowl. Right when she opened the bag of dog food, Leo came rushing down the stairs, wagging his tail viciously. A giggle left Savannah's lips, placing the food bowl in front of her dog before filling the other bowl with water.

            She then kissed the top of Leo's head, turning off the kitchen lights. Her feet carried her outside where her brother sat, well, he sat inside of the warm car. When she hoped in the car, a shiver went up her spine as soon as she heard the song that was playing from the radio. Samuel had the worst taste in music. Quickly, she plugged her phone into the AUX cord and played one of The Strokes' albums.

            Samuel groaned, throwing his head back. Rolling her eyes, Savannah pulled out of the driveway. "Hey, I'm the driver, I pick the music. Once you get your license and start driving, then you can pick the music."

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