Chapter One

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Yes, I know, another story with Violetsight, but Ice and Night is a fanfic, and I really want to publish this book one day. It's going to take a lot of editing, but if there's any mistakes please let me know so I can fix them. Thank you!

I quietly dove out from the cloud covering, and dropped down on my brother, Firedeath's shoulders.
"What? Oh, it's you Violetsight. You're getting better at that, you know."
"I know, I didn't manage to land that dive on you last week. Just like that one dive that you flipped right over my head in training a while ago." I said laughing.
"You're never going to let me forget that are you?" He said, but he couldn't keep the laughter out of his voice anymore.
"Never." I studied my brother's slim, lithe form. He was perfect for his position as the queen's royal assassin. I hoped to be like him one day, we both were in training sessions with our instructor, but Firedeath got special sessions for his duty.
"I think that when you turn ten the queen will estate you as her second royal assassin." He said.
"Really, you think so?" I asked my hopes rising.
"Yes, you are definitely built for it." He looked over my black-purple scales with the white spirals going down my legs.
"Are you finished for the day?" I asked.
"Yes I just finished. Would you like to come with me to check the outer isles one more time?" he asked. I smiled, hoping he had been about to say that.
"Yes, I'd love to." We flew the short flight to the outer guard island posts to check on the situation there. After securing that everything was quiet, we flew back to the palace, where Firedeath's rooms were.
"Are you going on a mission tomorrow Firedeath?" I asked quietly.
"Yes. I meet with Queen Sapphire in the morning, and then I will fly out."
"Can I come with you? Please?" I put just a little of a plea into my tone, hoping it would convince Firedeath to let me come.
"Violetsight, you know you are supposed to stay here and train." He held up a claw to stop my coming protest. "But I suppose it were time to see how your skills are coming. I will talk to the queen tomorrow."
"Thank you! I won't get in the way at all, I promise." Firedeath looked at me, sighed, then smiled.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He flew away, and I went back to the training field to practice some more.
"Hey! Violetsight!" I looked over to see my friend Darkseeker beckoning me over. "Do you want to train together?"
"Yes, of course." We claimed a battle hollow and took up fighting positions. After exchanging a few quick blows, I swept my tail under Darkseeker's legs and knocked her over. I immediately jumped on top of her and pinned her to the ground in Firedeath's favorite move. "That would be another win for me, I believe."
"All right, just get off of me!" Darkseeker said exasperated. I smiled and jumped of of her. "Why are you so happy today?" She asked. I couldn't keep it to myself any longer.
"I'm going with Firedeath on a mission tomorrow" I said happily.
"Really? Queen Sapphire said it was alright?"
"Well, not yet, but she will. Firedeath is going to talk to her tomorrow." I couldn't keep the excitement out of my voice.
"Do you want to come with me to the prey area?"
"Of course." We flew to the prey area where dragons were bringing in prey, and for the dragons who were being trained, live prey to practice hunting on. The prey area was set up with three different sections. One was for the hunting practice, another was for dragons to pick their prey, and the last section had different ledges and balconies for dragons to eat. Darkseeker and I picked up prey, then went to a small balcony overlooking the rest to eat.
After eating in silence awhile Darkseeker asked me, "Where are you and Firedeath going?"
"I think we're heading to the outer islands to scout."
"Oh, that is a very long flight! You will be gone for a while then."
"Yes, probably three weeks, or something like that."
"I have to go. My mentor, Flightfeather, wants me to hunt before sunset." Darkseeker said.
"See you, sometime...?" I said trailing off when I realized that I wouldn't see my friend for a while. Darkseeker nodded and flew away. I finished my prey in silence, then went back to my room.

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