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(Sonic's POV)

I was sleeping right next to Amy but something was not right of what I was dreaming about.


It was a wild fire in the woods and my mother and I ran away to get to safety but the fire was catching up. In the nightmare I was a werehog pup, "SONIC! RUN!" Mother screamed.

I turned and saw her getting stuck under a log, "MOTHER!"

"Leave me! Get to safety! AAAAHHHHH!!!!" Those were mother's last words before the flames engulfed her.

"NOOO!!! MOTHER!!!" I screamed in horror.

(End of Nightmare)

I tossed and turned in my sleep whimpering as I saw my mother die in the fire in my nightmare. I jolted up from my sleep and saw that I was just having a nightmare, panting rapidly from how scary this dream was, "Ohhhh man, not again" I groaned in despair at picturing my mother's death.

"Sonic, are you okay?" Amy was right beside me.

"I just had a nightmare about my mother, Amy" I gave a sad sigh. Then I felt Amy hugging me for comfort.

"Relax, Sonic. I know how it feels" Amy said softly.

"How?" I asked.

"That you miss your mother. The only one in your family who understands your ways" Amy said.

"That is very true. She did understand my ways" I said, still hugging her so that the trauma of my mother's death can go away. My mother did not die from the flames, she died of sickness.

"Your mother is still within you, Sonic" Amy said.

"But what about your parents; do you miss them?" I really didn't want to ask.

"I miss them but I don't want the trauma to get the best of me" Amy said.

Soon I was calm and the stress is out of me. But then I felt myself transforming back to a werehog. Amy backs off as I resumed my werehog form, feeling my fur grow and teeth got pointy again. I shook my head a little after transforming back and I got into bed again.

"Right, I hope you don't mind" Amy laid her head on my chest. I didn't mind but something made my muzzle warm up. For some reason I liked it and I had my arm wrapped around her. It's still a little early to wake up in the morning because it's not dawn yet. So I went back to sleep with Amy.


Hours later I woke up and saw Amy sleeping next to me. She looked like an angel....wait, what am I thinking?! What the hell is going on with me?! Does this happen to teenage boys at age 15 or am I just thinking too much?

"Morning Sonic" I heard Amy say as she woke up.

"Good morning Ames" I said and Amy stretched from her sleep.

"Slept well" I asked.

"Yup. Now let's have some breakfast" Amy said.

(Amy's POV)

This night felt comfortable as Sonic and I shared the same feelings about our loss of our parents. At least I helped him to calm down. But I gotta say it felt nice sleeping with him. His fur is so soft. For a werehog he really does have soft fur. I don't know why I feel like I am attracted to him. I am never attracted to teenage boys because I learned that their good looks doesn't mean I'm in love with someone that is good looking. But I don't know what's making me feel attracted to Sonic the Werehog. Is it because I care about him as a friend? I better find out if it's something more. But for now some breakfast.

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