New Moon

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(Sonic's POV)

For the past few days of staying with Amy and her grandma in their house, I was feeling like myself again; well almost. Amy has been teaching me how to be domesticated. I was getting the hang of this but it's gonna take time for me to improve myself. I can't rush myself because it won't make me look like I'm learning hard or earning my improvements. Oh, well. It's not like I'm her dog if that's what you guys think. But I do care about her as a friend and I also care about her well-being. Now I better see if she has something in mind.

She was at the lawn watering some flowers with her red hood folded up. She then looked at me, "What's up, Sonic?" She waved at me.

"Nothing much. Just wondering how you're doing" I said, smiling a little. I don't wanna show her my fangs because it would be too scary.

"Okay. You look better I see" She saw that the bandage on my chest was removed and it showed my healed scars.

"Yeah, thanks" I said and looked at the flowers, "So do women really like flowers?" I asked.

"Not just women, some men do too" Amy said and picked up a blue flower and hands it over to me.

I accepted it and sniff the flower, "Pretty"

"Thanks. Say, wanna go fetch again?" She asked.

"Sure. But don't throw too far" I said.

"Okay. Fetch the stick!" Amy threw the stick and my instincts told me to run after it. I jumped over any obstacles and manage to catch the stick and I ran back to Amy the same way, "Good boy" She smiled sweetly.

I rolled my eyes but I'm used to it. Even though I like her cute bubbly giggles whenever I act like a dog to her. Then I heard a distant howl and I howled as well, "AAARRRROOOO!!!!" Soon I stopped and I got on my feet again.

"Eh, do you have any plans now?" Amy asked me.

"No but I'm also waiting for the new moon to appear soon" I said.

"I can tell. It's still noon" Amy said.

"Yeah, but like I said it's always temporary whenever there's a new moon I turn into a hedgehog" I said.

"Yeah, and a few months it will be winter" Amy said.

"I can survive in winter but not snow storms" I said.

(Amy's POV)

I really wonder how Sonic will look like as a hedgehog. The only thing I know is that he has green eyes like emeralds. If he was a hedgehog his eyes would be the same but I'm not sure. His fur is like indigo blue like the night sky but he also has white tips on his quills like the clouds. I wonder if his fur color would be the same as a hedgehog.

"Say, Sonic. Wanna go pick berries?" I asked while holding out a basket.

"Sure. I love berries. Except poison berries" Sonic said.

We went into the forest to find blue berries. Eventually we found them and they looked pretty good to eat, "I suppose we could make a pie out of them if I find the right recipe" I said while picking some berries.

"Yeah" Sonic agreed but then I noticed he keeps looking around frantically.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just wanna make sure that purple weasel is not around" Sonic said.

I saw the serious look on Sonic's eyes, "Let's not panic, Sonic. Getting too serious can make you feel a little stressed out. No offense"

"None taken. But I'm not gonna end up as a rug at someone's house" Sonic said but calms down a little. I saw his ears looked relaxed and calm like he senses no danger, "Anyways, let's pick some berries" He said. I shrug it off and continued picking berries.

Soon, the basket was full and we headed back home. I see Sonic having a few berries he picked. For a werehog he really does enjoy berries like a wolf. I picked up some too and ate them in one gulp. But I have to save some for the pie. I've also been thinking of maybe having a selfie picture with Sonic as a normal hedgehog soon. I looked at my watch and it was just a few hours left.

"Man, my ears are so sharp that I can hear everything miles away. Like a dog or wolf" Sonic said, his ears moving back and forth.

"What are you hearing?" I asked.

"Birds chirping, squirrels running in the trees, and the gentle wind" He said.

"Most canines have sensitive ears. But they have great hearing than people" I said.

"True" Sonic nodded.

We arrived back at my house and went inside. I saw my cousin Rob watching Wonder Woman movie with my grandma in the living room, "Hey guys" Rob saw us.

"Watching Gal Gabot's Wonder Woman movie?" I saw the movie on TV at the scene where Wonder Woman fights the Germans.

"Trust me, she's a total badass" Rob said.

Sonic was watching the scene too and was impressed, "Whoa, feels real when looking at the TV" He said.

"Mmhmm, but Wonder Woman is not as strong as Superman but she uses indestructible gauntlets. And magic is another weakness Superman has besides kryptonite and red sun radiation" I said.

"Interesting. Oh, we went to pick berries" Sonic said to them.

"Which type?" Granny asked.

"Blueberries. If we're gonna make pie or something" Sonic said.

"Nice" Granny smiled.

I smiled back and placed the basket of berries at the table and sat next to Sonic on the couch, "Still waiting for the moon to get dark soon?" I asked him.

"Yup" Sonic nodded.

(Sonic's POV)

While watching the movie with them, I was wondering how they'll react when I turn into a hedgehog. I never met people like this because my normal form has time limits and I never keep track of time when I transform back to a werehog. But it is soon anyway and that purple weasel won't recognize me. I looked at the window and saw the sun setting down a little, "Any second now" I thought. Then I noticed a scene in Wonder Woman when the titular character fights the god of war himself Ares in a fiery battle, "Damn, I never knew a fight between an Amazon and a god would be intense" I saw the fight on TV where Ares in armor fights Wonder Woman.

"Yeah that's right! Show him who's mighty!" Rob cheered on Wonder Woman.

During near the end of the movie, the titular character narrating the scene and learned about a few things. I realized how she said that only love can truly save the world. It was true that love can do anything in life but sometimes it can have good or bad effects in life. As soon as the movie ended I stretched my arms. I looked out the window and saw the moon turning dark. I felt my body twitch and I fell on the floor feeling my body change. My fur turned normal blue color and my fur on my arms and belly disappeared. I also got shorter teeth like a human. My clothing stayed the same but my shoes were not having spikes on the soles.

Once the transformation is over I looked at Amy and see what her reaction is, "Wow, you look....different" She said and I noticed she was lost at words. Rob and Amy's grandma saw me in this form.

"Incredible" Amy's grandma was surprised.

"Dude, you look normal and amazing" Rob said.

"Uh, thanks" I said shyly.

"Sonic, wanna see the town since you're now a hedgehog?" Amy said.

"Uhh.....okay" I said, not sure if I'll do okay because I never act casual in town.

"I'll be there with you, Sonikku" Amy said.

I smiled that I trust her but I'm still a little worried about myself. I don't wanna worry too much because it would make me feel negative about everything. Let's hope I trust my positive instincts.

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