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The Avengers stood in silence. Loki absently patted Jem.

"It's dangerous, I know. But it's a hell of a lot better than me stepping into his bear trap."

"We'd be cornered," Tony declared.

"If we all stick together, we can take him. I'm sure of it."

"But he's stronger and more powerful than I am," Loki said after Steve. "You had a rough time conquering me. Imagine the time you'd have with him."

"But we can bring in the others." Vee shifted her weight. Jem's ears perked. "You said Wanda's on a service trip. We could call her in. She's a witch, meaning she's a big attribute. We could call in Thor from his leave, and Doctor Banner—"

"Thor is not going to be summoned by the likes of you," Loki said boldly. All eyes shifted to him. "Whether it's in my favor or not, he's my brother and I will not allow you to put him in harm's way."

Vee scowled at him.

"What if he came of his own accord? What if he heard and decided to come, Loki?" Steve butt in. Vee beamed with pride and gratitude for him standing with her.

"It's suicide, but it's his decision," Loki folded.

The group stood, still undecided.

"I think it's incredibly stupid," Natasha said, arms folded, "But I'm in. I told you I'd have your back, Vee, and this is me having your back." She approached Vee and stood with her.

Everyone gradually accumulated near the newcomer, albeit Tony.

"We have to figure out how Peter factors in, and how to get Wanda and Thor. But I promise you, Vee, if my tower gets destroyed again, I will not be happy."

So it was decided.

They would gather their army and take Aris head-on, on their own grounds. The minor details would be taken care of promptly.

Tony was in charge of evacuating the surrounding blocks, to limit (ideally, diminish all) collateral damage.

Steve was to contact Wanda, and Thor with the help of Loki.

Vee had to figure out how, exactly, to contact Aris. She got her phone back from Steve and began to map out exactly what she was going to say.

When Loki finished helping Steve, and when their troops were on their way, he sat down with Vee in Tony's vacant office.

"Thank you for not taking me away, by the way," Vee said and avoided eye contact. Loki smiled, unknowingly, and said:

"I'm glad I didn't. We may get away with our lives."

She looked at his deep green eyes and smiled. "So, what can you tell me about his mysterious power?"

The following was utterly ridiculous, especially coming from a terroristic, magical god:

"Aris has a very strange ability to make you do exactly what it is he wants. He has a way of trapping you inside your body, as I do, but he also blends your desires and his needs. You begin to believe what he needs done is your greatest desire. It's poisonous, and I despise that he gets in my head."

Loki wrung his hands. She was glad he took off his crown and overcoat when they got into the car way-back-when, and hadn't put it back on. He looked drastically less hysterical without it all.

"Aris leaves you wanting more. Even now, I think of him and I wish for his mental grip. I'm hungry for the helplessness. I'm not sure whether the trance or the aftermath is worse..."

"Loki," she interrupted, "That's ludicrous. How come I've never experienced it?"

"That's the next part. Some people, I believe, have become so immune to it that they desensitize their emotions and don't fight the blend. I think, when you were with him, he overused it to the point you couldn't tell where you stopped and he started."

She fell silent, and looked at her notes for the call or text. She jotted down some notes from his monologue.

"I think I'm ready."

"Okay," he said, "I'm here."

She decided off the top of her head to call him. Part of her wanted to hear his voice after hearing the other side of all his terribleness.

"Vee, my love?"

"Hello Aris. I'm calling to tell you that I think I'm ready." She paused. "Loki's here too, so you can take us at the same time."

He gasped with delight, "Really? You're sure?"

"Do you not want me to come home?"

"No, my dear. I simply was so happy I thought I was dreaming. When do you want me to come?"

"Ten o'clock. In five hours."

"Okay, my love. I will see you soon."

"Do you need my location?" she asked.

He seemed lovely again, and for a moment, she forgot his badness. She remembered the man she fell in love with.

"Silly girl, I've been tracking your phone this whole time. See you at 10!" he called and hung up.

She pulled the phone away.


"He's coming in five hours. Loki, what if this goes wrong? What if I'm stuck with him?"

"You won't be stuck with him."

Her heart softened, even at the smallest and trivial comfort. She was happy to admit to herself that the maniacal villain cared enough to comfort her. She delighted in the idea he had a soft spot, and for her.

Meanwhile, Steve backed away from the entrance. Unnoticed, and frowning.

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