Do I really??..

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"Jungkook.. I'm a angel.."

-..wait I had to process everything that just happened, what just happen? Jimin? An angel? I kissed an angel? And now it's my fault he won't be an angel anymore

-"jimin..I-I can't believe this"

"Jungkook *sniff* please don't be mad"

Making him cry made me feel horrible , how could I be mad at Jimin?.. I can't be I'm just so I don't know, shocked, scared, sad, I don't even know if I'm mad?? but I don't even know if I'd have fallen in love with him or even started falling..

"Jimin.. baby,I-i don't care.. I'm still going to date you.. I just can't believe you never told me this..I'm so sorry your not pure anymore.. this is my fault I should've took my time.. if you don't wanna date anymore, I-it's okay."

-jungkook...he was adorable,sweet,kind.. I started to fall for him, he accepted it and dident care.. he dident even say "fake" date.. I'm falling, I'm falling for him real hard.. Im sorry dad, eomma, hyungs..

"J-jungkookie, it's okay!! I want to be with you too, to "fake" date. I just don't know what to do"

-I started to break down again.. I needed to breathe and just calm down, jungkook was accepting me and right now that's all that matters.. I found someone who accepts me for who I am and what I am.

"Jimin.. let's just experience together and whatever happenes happenes we'll be good friends who are fake dating , I accept you I don't care if your an angel.

-I was happy, I was just wondering did he start falling for me too or did he just support me as a friend??

-jimin and jungkook hugged eachother, jimin looked up at jungkook
-"jungkook..where will I live?"

-"I have an extra dorm!! You can live with me.."
-jimin blushed just thinking of living with jungkook.. what would they do when they were all alone? Will jimin be able to contain himself?
-"o-okay t-thank you."
They smiled at eachother.. "come on jimin let's go settle you down at my house.."

-jungkook unlocked the door and jimin gulped.. as he locked the door ,

-"okay I'll get you to your room" he smirked..

"O-okay.. thank you.." he was flussteredd..

- he smirked and I got flustered real fast.. I had a boner earlier from jungkook and I coudent control it, boy was he hot.. ugh I just wanna wrap my lips around his and my hands around his back.. "I'll go shower j-jungkook"
-"whatever you wanna do, just watch your back" he winked.. I gulped aghhh jakcnsjxncn my heart and Insides are going crazy, well I hopped in the shower and ugh it felt so nice , after 3 mintutes of showering I heard the door open.. I though it was just a random noise so I did nothing but then someone got in the shower... I stopped and was frozen .. hands wrapped around breath breathed on my neck. "J-jungkook?"

"I need my desires now my princess"

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