14. Shooting Star

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Last night, she had kissed Bellamy Blake or....he'd kissed her...or perhaps both. Definitely both.

It was early in the morning but Clarke was up, dressed and pacing. She was so roughly rubbing her hands together that she couldn't feel the cold so much anymore.

How had it even happened? She could scarcely remember. She recalled anger, hurt, fear and....desire? A deep need for him, a want for his closeness and well just...him.

She swore, her breath visible in the air.

She needed to see him. She had to know what he was thinking about it all. What if it meant nothing to him? No, she'd seen real pain in his eyes as he had tried miserably to push her away.

She was about to go to his tent when Raven ran for her and gripped her shoulder.

"Clarke! It's working!"

Without wasting another second they ran to the dropship.

Clarke sat down in shock at Ravens table. There were tools and wires everywhere, a screen even and the radio.

Raven turned the screen on and there sat the chancellor.

"Clarke Griffin?" He said, his voice coming from the radio. She swallowed and nodded.

"Sir! We're alive." Clarke stuttered. "We're alive." She looked up at Raven and a sense of immense relief seemed to consume them both.

They proceeded to talk quickly, "we don't have much time, as you, of course, know." Jaha exclaimed and she felt a rush of hate as she remembered what he did to her dad.

"Is...is my mum okay?" Clarke asked and Jaha smiled.

"She's fine, eager to talk but there isn't really time, how are you holding up?" He asked.

"We have lost a few, some on landing, others due to sickness but most of us are still alive, I've had plenty of help" Clarke added before going on, "we wont survive the winter, there has already been snow and the temperature is dropping, we don't have enough food or shelter." Clarke said and Jaha lifted his hand with a smile.

"Don't worry Clarke, we will be coming down shortly and as quickly as possible, the ships are ready." He sounded like there was something more he wanted to add but the conversation quickly moved on.

Everything was busy from then on, people started taking it in turns to talk to family, others preparing camp, just as they were preparing to take off in space.

Clarke was planning on setting off at day break, Jaha had given her the rough coordinates for their landing site and she hoped to be there, or at least close by when they arrived.

The day passed by quickly and she slept fretfully, images of her mother, images of her dad and images of Bellamy who she still badly wanted to talk to, rushed by in her mind and her stomach knotted in anticipation.

She was up at first light, packing tbe last of her things and she stepped outside. Even though she had her coat on, it was immensely cold, but the sky was clear and tinged with pale pinks and oranges as the sun continued to rise.

"So, when do we leave?

Clarke looked up quickly and saw Bellamy making his way over, his hunting boots on, his coat, and a backpack on one shoulder.

"We?" Clarke stammered because it was the first time they'd seen each other since the beach. She wasn't sure how to talk to him, and of course had the kiss not happened, she would have asked him to come with her as soon as she'd spoken to the ark. Now, she felt awkward.

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