Sometimes I really wonder who divided this shit. 180 days of my year are taken away. That's five days of my week every week taken away for things I will never need ever again. Who the fuck will care in twenty years whether or not I could add Polynomials. I don't care now. So I did what any logical person would do. I left.
I excpect that Jason saw me leave and being the goody-goody that I knew he was I waited from him to show up and try to convince me that i needed to go back. my teacher wouldn't care since I think he doesn't even know who I am since I've only stayed the full period a hand full of times.
As it turns out it took Jason a full ten minutes to get out of the room so I was genuinely pissed as I walked away and he followed. "C'mon Rosalyn you need to go back inside. Skipping is wrong. Believe me that's how I got kicked out my last school I got into too much trouble while I was supposed to be in class. I don't want that to happen to you too." I skidded to a halt at the mention of trouble. So Mr. Goody two shoes wasn't always that way. So I guess he was kind of like an ex-con. A "changed" man. Then I heard the laughter I knew too well. My evil ex Sam. Then I heard a girly giggle. Then some awful sounding moaning. oh no. I could feel the color leave my face as I ran in the other direction. A confused Jason still trailing behind. I remembered the war I'd started and as Jason caught up to me my plan was finally formed. He wasn't gonna stay Mr. Goody two shoes for much longer now.

In a Not So Perfect World
JugendliteraturRosalyn appears to be a social butterfly. Knows everyone, says hello to everyone she passes but inside she's lonely and stressed looking for a certain type of happiness and a maybe even a boyfriend. She is coldhearted rude and violent, afraid to ope...