Part 7: Her

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I was alone in an old classroom, it was pretty much a nightmare because for some reason- Wait.. I don't even know the reason. I went up to the chalkboard and saw something write by itself. It looked like it was drawing a camera... Wait a minute, that looks like my camera!

Then the chalk itself started drizzling over the camera- my camera. It made a horrible figure, but then i heard some footsteps behind me and i knew it was him, someone who always make my dreams horrifying. I slowly turned around and THERE HE WAS-

I woke up with no tears, no screams, and nothing but silence. That's weird because ever since i broke up with... Oh.

I got up to the kitchen to grab a snack so i could sleep.. Again. Right when i opened the fridge i was a shadow pass by on the far left window, strange, because no one has ever came to rob us, i mean like ever. So i decided i should ignore cause it's probably my cat Josephine, half cat half tiger, yeah don't judge.

I sat down in the living room and watched some Netflix, Friends cause i'm a loner. Psh. The doorbell was ringing, really loud. I got up my lazy butt off cause i am lazy. And slowly checked the window, no one. I sit back down and again, that freaking doorbell is really noisy, thanks dad. I got up- AGAIN and checked the window, and this girl was standing. Weird.

I opened the door and she asked if my mom was there.

"She's sleeping, why?" i asked.

"Oh, my mom just needed to talk to her, she called her so many times and no answer and she wanted to know if she was ok." She answered, worry much? Oops.

"Well, if you know it's 11:30 pm and my mom always sleeps at this time, uh try calling her tomorrow morning" I said. she shrugs and leaves silently. I went back into the living room and continued watching and eating until it was 4:53 am. Damn.


I woke up and hauled ass to the bathroom and took a quick shower, thinking about how horrible life is. I got out of the shower and i decided to wear a simple tribal black-white sweater, some black leggings (Which i apparently ripped out on my thigh a form of Jack Skellington, cough* excuse meh) and then some white vans. I went back to the bathroom and then decided to leave my natural beach waves that looked hot on me.

I went to the kitchen and saw the time, SHIT! I hurried to eat and then said goodbye to everyone. Me and John hauled ass while running to the bus stop, and then it arrived and we got on. I sat on the seat i always sat, cause i'm a loner.

When we stopped at the rich attitude-much girl's stop she was wearing a such slutty dress, and straightened hair that looked like it was damaged, i bet it is, and some ratchet looking shoes and also too much pounds of makeup. I bet she's thirsty.

We arrived at the school and a bunch of girls were fan-girling at me, typical white girls. I arrived at my  locker and did my stuff. Right when i closed i saw Matt hugging some other girl, like in a form of Girlfriend. I decided i should get a little bit close to just stalk them and hearing their conversations.

I went to peek out since i was hiding behind an edge of a locker, and then i saw him hanging out with my old best friend, the one who apparently acted like a bitch and talked trash behind my back. 

I really thought she would forgive me about what happened in 1st grade, slut.

But then i peeked closer and saw each other, kissing, passionately.. I felt hurt inside. I feel like i wanna skip school, ugh. Wait, Marilyn, you got Nash, he's much handsomer.

When they both cleared out i went up to Matt with some tears, i didn't even know i was crying but i don't care.

"Whats wrong?"

"Everything.. And i know it's my fault"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing.. Just.. Remember this.."


"I don't want to loose you" 

And a kiss accidentally popped out of nowhere, now this time our kiss had feelings, and a little bit of a ZAP.

I can't believe it but, I'm in love with 2 out of 3.

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