Chapter eight

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Flashback to when Semi was eighteen. It was Semi's eighteenth birthday and her and her best friend Tina were going to a club. The idea of the club was to have all of your dreams come true.

Two guys in masks came over to get Semi. "Hello princess we heard it's your eighteenth birthday today" the one with the black mask said. "We are here to make this the best eighteenth birthday ever princess" the one with the red mask had said while leaning down into her ear. That was the night she was feeling the most special ever. Semi had forgotten about all of her troubles in the world.

She kept on going back to the club to be with the mysterious men that she was so curious about. As she kept going there she got to know them better. She still didn't know their names but they also didn't know her name. They just knew her as princess.

One day while Semi was out she heard two guys yelling. "PRINCESS OVER HERE!" The voices sounded very family to her once she turned to see who it was she was confused. "Do I know you guys?" They looked to each other and grinned. The one with silver hair bent down to whisper in her ear. "How could you forget about me princess? Your mystery man behind the red mask" he said with a low and seductive voice.

The other one then said "and me the mystery man behind the black mask?" Semi's eyes widened. They were the two males that she always went to see in her free time. The ones she was always so eager to see after dark. "Seriously?! Wow even without he masks your both hot" she thought they couldn't hear that last part but they did.

"And your still as sexy as ever I see princess" red mask said. "Oh yeah what are your names?" She asked with pure curiosity and excitement trying to figure out her princes names. "Mine is Jimin" the one who wore the red mask said. "And I'm Hoseok but you also know me as Jhope that's my club name half the time when I'm not wearing the mask"

Semi was a bit more attracted to Hoseok more so than Jimin. "And what is your name princess?" Hoseok asked. Semi snapped out of her daydream. "Huh? Oh my name? It's Semi" the boys grinned. "PRINCESS SEMI!" Jimin said laughing so hard that he almost couldn't breathe.

Semi and the guys became very close. But she didn't know that they had a plan with each other. They made a bet on who would win Semi's heart. Once Semi revealed the winner and that it was Hoseok who she called Hobi, the boys immediately dropped the bet.  They started dating and all but kept it  a secret so that Hoseok could still work at the club.

One night Semi was going to the club to be with Hobi when Jimin. Stopped her from going to his room. "No Semi you can't go see him right now!" He shouted at her. Semi was surprised by this. "Why not?" She questioned leaning her head to the side. Jimin then just blurted out. "Because it was all just a bet me and Hoseok had. We wanted to see who could win your heart and he did so we immediately dropped it!"

Semi was shocked by this and ran straight to the room Hoseok was in. When she tried the door knob it was locked. "Hoseok why the hell is this door locked?!" Whenever the door was locked it meant a client was with them. But Hoseok told the manager that nobody could come to his room he had a private guess who was Semi.

Once Semi was able to open the door she saw Hoseok with her best friend Tina in bed together. "WHAT THE HELL HOSEOK AND TINA?!?!" Jimin felt bad seeing this all unfold. Hoseok was shocked to see his girlfriend so mad. "JIMIN I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WOULD STALL HER TILL WE FINISHED!!" Tina yelled.

Semi's eyes grew wider. "Is this why you didn't want me to go see him and told me about the bet you both made?!" Semi had tears threatening to escape from her eyes but instead replaced the sadness with pure hatred for everyone around her.

"TINA YOU BITCH YOU KNEW HOW MUCH I LOVED HIM YET YOU DO THIS BEHIND MY BACK?!?! THATS IT IM BURNING ALL OF YOUR SHIT FROM MY HOUSE AND MOVING OUT!!!!" She ran out of the building and went straight home. She lit a match and threw it on the house burning it all to ashes like she did when she was little. The reason people called her INSANE. She loved to set things on fire whenever she was mad.

She stood there laughing at the sight of the house being burned down to ashes. The smell of smoke filling her lungs brought back the memory of her when she was eight and burned down her house trying to kill her parents for calling her insane because they didn't believe it when she told them about when she got raped by her teacher in the first grade.

She ran away to a strip club and asked for a job. She figured she could get all of her anger out by doing something that hurt her. She then found an apartment and started her life all over again.

Never seeing anyone from her past again.


Wow Semi had a pretty wild past! No wonder she is the way she is I guess. Anyways I hope that you all are enjoying the story! Please keep reading to find out what happens next!

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