The only exception (Alexa pov)

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I didn't mean to say what I said to her yesterday I was just mad because what she was saying was true.

I don't know why I feel like being popular is everything, I guess it has a lot to with getting praised at school means I don't have to think about how I'm all alone when I get home.

But these days with Jessica have been so great that I don't ever feel alone.

She was sitting down eating with Vanessa all I wanted to do was kiss her and tell her I'm sorry but she's not talking to me.

Caleb nudged me.

"Go talk to her." He said.

"She doesn't want to talk to me." I said.

"Well make her, your a smart person I know you can." He said I nodded and got up from the table.

"Lexa where are you going?" Ashley asked.

"To get the girl." I said.

Caleb hit the table like they were drums.

"That's what I'm talking about." He said.

On my way to her table I pep talk myself I stood in front of her she was sitting.

"Look jess I kn-"

"Alexa. I really don't care you stood me up for the people who betrayed you." I nodded and walked away but stopped.

No I'm not giving up.

I walked to a table and stood on it.

"Excuse me Alexa your foot is in my salad." I moved my foot.

"I'm sorry."

"Excuse me can I get everyone's attention. Hey I'm Alexa Vega and um.... phew this is hard. Okay I'm in love with that beautiful woman right there." I pointed to Jessica she blushed.

"Jessica I'm sorry I really don't know why I do what I do but I know that when you left my house upset I couldn't sleep or eat I never want to make you feel like that ever again. I was never good at expressing my feelings so I'm gonna sing a song."

I had Caleb get the band players and I told him to tell them to have the song that I wanted to sing ready. They walked in and started playing the music.

🎶"When I was younger I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind."🎶

I step down from the table and walked closer to her she smiled.

🎶"He broke his own heart and I watched
As he tried to reassemble it."🎶

🎶"And my momma swore
That she would never let herself forget.
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist."🎶

I grabbed her hand and she stood up.

🎶"But darling,
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception."🎶

🎶"I've got a tight grip on reality,
But I can't let go of what's in front of me here.
I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up."🎶

🎶"Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream.

"Jessica I see everything clearly now." I kissed her and the whole cafeteria clapped.

Ashley and Kendall walked passed me and scoffed "that won't last long." She said before walking off.

I looked at Jessica and smiled "OMG that was so nerve racking I thought I was going to shit myself."

"But you did it anyways." I nodded.

"For you." Caleb put his arms around both of our shoulders.

"So what are we doing for prom." He said.

"I'm gonna be prom queen." I said.

"And I'm helping her." Jessica said.

"Oouu this is going to be perfect our first lesbian prom queen." Vanessa said.

I rolled my eyes "don't listen to her." Jessica said.

I interlaced our hands and we walked through the hallway.

Mean, but I like it ✔️Where stories live. Discover now