First of all, this is my first story, so don't judge me if it's bad plz!!!
Now, for the real description...
Once a young kit that dreamed of glory, Willowsong is now haunted by the events of her past, and she finds herself carrying a great weight on...
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Leader: Gingerstar: sleek ginger she-cat with hazel eyes
Deputy: Rustwind: dark brown tom
Medicine Cat: Cherryheart: cream she-cat with icy blue eyes Apprentice: Ashpaw: soft-furred black tom
Warriors (toms and she-cats without kits): Fawnspot: white furred she-cat with brown spots Blazecry: red tabby tom Morningclaw: golden-brown she-cat with amber eyes Swallowflame: pale brown tom Hailfrost: long-furred gray she-cat Cloverflood: short-haired ginger tom with amber eyes Springstream: pale cream she-cat with a white paw Torntooth: dark gray tom who's missing a tooth Mapplewind: short-furred dark brown she-cat with green eyes Cedarsong: brown tabby tom with an unusually long tail Windflower: fluffy gray she-cat Apprentice: Lightpaw: golden tom Oneyowl: mute creamy brown tom Snakeshine: silver tabby she-cat with dark yellow eyes Foxpuddle: dark ginger tom with a white underbelly Apprentice: Oakpaw: black tom Berryfur: tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes Nigtstripe: black tabby tom with mismatched green and blue eyes Leopardfrost: unsually spotted ginger she-cat Heavyspirit: golden-brown tom
Queens: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits): Bluetail: sleek silver she-cat with purple eyes. Mother to Nightstripe's kits: Willowkit: sleek dark-gray she-cat with mismatched purple and blue eyes Twilightkit: silver and black tabby she-cat with green eyes Snowwing: long-furred white she-cat. Expecting Cedarsong's kits.
Elders (former warriors and queens, now retired): Needlefoot: plump tabby tom Molenose: dark-cream tom, missing one eye
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Leader: Ravenstar: big, black tom
Deputy: Beelight: golden she-cat with blue eyes
Medicine Cat: Mossshine: thick furred, silver tabby she-cat Apprentice: Spiderpaw: brown tom
Warriors: Mallownight: golden and black she-cat Wildscar: dark brown tabby tom with a scar running down his left flank Weaselvine: ginger she-cat with a white underbelly and hazel eyes Apprentice: Riverpaw: white, fluffy she-cat Orangeflight: dark ginger tom with amber eyes Foxfang: black tom with unsual ginger spots Crystalfur: silver and white tabby she-cat with dark green eyes Blacktail: white tom with a black tail and underbelly Apprentice: Flamepaw: ginger tabby tom
Queen: Frostnose: fluffy, light gray she-cat. Mother of Wildscar's kit: Windkit: dark gray tabby she-cat
Elder: Flowerfall: tortoiseshell and white she-cat with amber eyes
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Leader: Honeystar: golden she-cat with icy blue eyes
Deputy: Lostfoot: gray tom who's missing a front leg
Medicine Cat: Tawnyflower: thick-furred brown she-cat with dark hazel eyes
Warriors: Sharpfang: black tom with ginger spots and usually long fangs Coralnose: orange tabby she-cat with darker flecks Apprentice: Leafpaw: gray tabby she-cat with piercing blue eyes Alderfoot: ginger and golden tom with black eyes Rosestone: pale cream she-cat with unsual pink eyes Badgercoat: brown tom with a white stripe like a badger Apprentice: Tallpaw: black and white tom Mintleaf: pale gray she-cat with light green eyes Twigpelt: black tom with brown stripes Thornspot: brown tabby tom with darker spots
Queens: Honeystar: leader of the Clan. Mother of Sharpfang's kit: Graykit: gray she-cat with icy blue eyes Iceheart: white she-cat. Mother of Twigpelt's kits: Stormkit: black tom Brownkit: brown she-cat
Elders: Stonefoot: dark gray tom with darker pawns Clawvole: dark brown tabby tom
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Leader: Jaystar: gray tabby tom with dark green eyes
Deputy: Stormfrost: black tom with grey spots
Medicine Cat: Mallowheart: golden she-cat with blue eyes Apprentice: Muddypaw: dark brown she-cat with white paws
Warriors: Brambletail: dark tabby brown tom with a black tail Thistlestone: light gray tom with green eyes Apprentice: Fernpaw: small white she-cat with purple eyes Brightrose: tortoiseshell and white she-cat Apprentice: Lynxpaw: golden tom with unsual brown spots Wolfhowl: black tom Violeteye: light brown tabby she-cat with only one eye, which is purple colored Beepelt: golden tom with a few black stripes like a bee
Queen: Piper: tortoiseshell she-cat, former loner. Expecting Stormfrost's kits
Elder: Tinytail: old black she-cat with an unsually short tail
Cats Outside the Clans: Percy: black tom with green eyes Annabeth: golden she-cat with grey eyes Jason: light golden tom with blue eyes. Piper's former mate. Leo: tortoiseshell and gold tom. Jason and Piper's kit. Will: golden tom. Jason and Piper's other kit. Ivy: long-furred, orange she-cat with piercing green eyes.
A/N And that's it for the allegiances! Yes the last cats (Piper, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo and Will) ARE THE ACTUAL PJO/HOO/TOA CHARACTERS TURNED TO KITTIES BY AUTHOR-CHAN, YAY!!!