Chapter 6

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Ok I just wanted to say thanks for 201 reads! You guys are the best! I never thought this would happen, but it did with the help of you guys!! I just in shock!! Someday my goal is to get 1M reads but that will never happen. Ok thanks so much again. Now on with the story.


Ashley's POV

The next morning I woke up and saw all of the guys sleeping. I saw Madison and Ellie not with their bfs. They must be in the bathroom or something. I went to the kitchen to start making eggs when someone said "Hi!" I jumped and almost screamed. It was freaking Ellie!! "What the hell Ellie! You scared the crap out of me." I whisper-yelled. "Sorry! I was looking for the bathroom and saw you in here and figured I would come and say hi." she said. "Oh, ok." I said. Today I decided that we should go to the carnival on the boardwalk. It was just going to be me, Cam, Madison, and Shawn. I just wanted it to be us since me and Madison are bffs.

"Nash and I are going to spend the day alone. Is that ok?" Ellie said. "Yah that's ok. I really don't mind." I said. I had my face turned towards the stove since I was making breakfast. All the sudden everything got quiet. "Boo!" someone said. I screamed so loud!! I turned around and saw Cam standing there laughing his butt off. "So not funny!!" I yelled at him. Everyone had to be awake by then. "Sorry babe!" he said. "It's fine." I said. I continued making the eggs. When I was done I grabbed some fruit and put it on the table along with the eggs. "Breakfast is ready!!" I yelled to the guys. They all came running in the dining room and out some on their plate and ate it. "Mmm!! This is so good Ashley" Hayes said. "Thanks!" I said. "Ya this is really good babe!" Cam said. "Thanks babe!" I said. We all finished our breakfast and everyone got ready. Hayes, Nash, Ellie, and Sydney left, so it was just Cam, Shawn, Madison, and me. "Hey! Wanna go to the carnival on the boardwalk??" I asked. "Yassss." Madison said.

So we all went to the carnival on the boardwalk. We went on a few rides together then split up. "We'll meet you back at the house!" Shawn said. "Alright!" Cam said and with that we left. "So what do you want to do?" Cam asked. "Play games or go down to the beach?" I said. "Let's play some games then go to the beach." Cam said. "Ok!" I said.

We played a few games. We noticed it was getting dark so we went to the beach. Cam laid down on the cool sand and I laid down on his chest. "I had fun tonight." Cam said. "Me too." I said. We laid there and looked up at the stars. "These are so beautiful!" I said. "But not as beautiful as you!" Cam said. "Aww Cam! I love you!" I said. "I love you too!" Cam said, then kissed me on the lips passionately. Oh I love his soft lips! I was craving for more after he pulled away. "You're such a tease." I said. Then we headed back home.

When we arrived I saw a note on the island. Sorry but I had to go on a work trip. I'll be gone for a week and a half. Be safe and don't do anything stupid! -dad. Dad is so overprotective of me! But I promised myself I wouldn't do 'it' until after I got married. "So wanna stay here with me for a week and a half?" I asked Cam. "Yes!" Cam said. "Alright!" I said. Then we got changed and headed off to bed.


Here's chapter 6!! I know it's short. I will try to write longer chapters. School has been getting in the way and I've been really busy!! Don't forget to COMMENT what should happen next and VOTE for my story.

Insta- ashley_s1116

Twitter- zayumdallas_

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