Chapter 12

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(A/N: So wow thanks for 1K READS!!!! I'm freaking out. Y'all are the best! I get so excited everyday when I see more beautiful people read my story. It gives me such an inspiration. Just remember to read the Authors Note at the end of each chapter because I want to know y'all more. Also because they might be important. I LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH!!)

Ashley's POV

So it's the first day of school & I'm nervous as hell. I just hope that Cam & I have most classes together. I woke up & took a shower & dried my long brown/red ombré hair, then straightened it. I put on a really cute sunflower crop top from Target & my black skater skirt from Forever 21. Then I went downstairs and got breakfast. My dad was back by the time I was in school, so he had made me eggs & bacon. It was so good. I looked at the clock & it read 6:55. I have just enough time to drive to Starbucks & drive to school. "Bye dad! Love you!!" I yelled. "Bye sweetheart!" I heard my dad yell. I grabbed my backpack & left.


I arrived at Starbucks & got my regular, a Cotton Candy Frappucino. It was so good! Then it left to make my way to school early, so I could put my stuff inside my locker & get my schedule. I texted Cam.


I'm going to school meet you there!

From: Cam😘

Alright see you there babe!

I got in my car & drove off.


I arrived at school 5 minutes later. I went straight to the office & got my schedule. My schedule had my locker number & combination. My locker number was 335. I went to my locker & put in my combo. I saw Cam walk up to me and put his stuff in the locker next to me. "So I guess we're locker buddies!" I said. "Yeah! I guess we are." Cam said. I kissed him, then asked "What are your classes? I want to see if we have any together." We had 5 out of the 7 classes together.

1-Language Arts



4-Lunch Break



7-Free Class

"We have 1, 4, 5, 6, & 7 together." I said. I put the rest of my stuff in my locker & then all the kids started filling the halls. It was about 7:35. The first bell rings at 7:55. We had 20 minutes of free time. At least me & Cam had the same homeroom too. Cam & I talked for most of the 20 minutes. Then I saw Madison & Ellie. They walked towards me. "Hey!!" I said. "Hey!" they both said. We talked until the bell rang. I never saw Sophie come in until she said hi before the bell rang.

Language Arts was so boring. We had to do an essay about what we did over the summer. All the teacher did was tell us what we we're going to do over the school year. Next was math, I don't hate math, I just am really good at it. The bell rang & I put my book in my locker. I shut my locker & kissed Cam bye & walked to Math. I got there just in time. I sat down & the bell rang. We didn't have any homework for the teacher since it was the first day of school. By the way, each class was 45 minutes. School was from 8-2:45. But anyway I went to my locker again after the bell rang & put my books in.

Finally it was Lunch!!! I went to sit with Cam & he introduced me to his friend. I already knew Nash, so he didn't have to introduce me to him. But he introduced me to Chris. We talked for a while. Then lunch was over & next was gym! Yay! :/ We didn't really do anything in gym.

Finally school was over! The last bell just rang & I went to my locker to get my stuff to bring home. I didn't really bring much home, just my L.A. notebook.

I got in my car & drove home. When I entered the door I dropped my bag on the floor next to the door & went into the kitchen to grab something to eat. "Hey honey! How was school today?" my father said. "Great. All the teachers were really nice!" I said. "Good! I'm glad you're happy." he said. I went upstairs with my snack & my book bag. I started in my essay just so I could get it over with so I wouldn't have to worry about it later.

It was about 4:30 & I was done with my essay. Wow that was easy. Cam texted me, asking if I wanted to do something with him & I replied not really because I am so tired.

I was on my bed under the covers & I accidentally fell asleep. I woke up at 6:30. I was so hungry. Thank you dad for making food!! I went downstairs & ate my dinner. I went back upstairs & was on my phone for the rest of the night. I went to bed at 10.


Ok seriously y'all are the best!! I already have 1K reads & it feels like just yesterday I had like 200. Thank y'all so much. I wouldn't be continuing this story if y'all weren't reading it. Thanks so much!!

QOTD:What are you doing for the summer?

AOTD:Just swimming & walking with my bff & being lazy.

COMMENT your answers to the question & dm me if you want to be one of the girlfriends. Don't forget to VOTE! Thanks so much! If I accept your request on Instagram comment '❤️' on one of my posts if you read this story! I wanna know how many of you follow me.




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