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Kylon and Judith strolled through the Market District in a companionable silence. He glanced over at her, wanting to ask questions, wanting to know more about her, but also well aware what treacherous ground that would be. She was the Grey Warden, and he was technically in the employ of men who were trying to kill her.

"How long have you been in the Guards, Daniel?" Judith asked eventually.

"About five years. It used to be Denerim's elite, but then we lost a lot of quality men in the army that went to Ostagar. Now we have a bunch of spoiled nobles' bastards who get upset if they have to get their armor dirty."

"I'm sorry. Ostagar cost the nation dearly," she said.

"Judith." When she stopped he looked quickly around, then asked quietly, "What really happened at Ostagar? I mean, there have been stories, but I've never talked to anyone who was really there. I mean, if you don't mind talking about it."

"I don't mind," she said, taking a deep breath before beginning. "Teyrn Loghain had agreed to wait until the beacon signal was lit, and then attack in support of the King's troops. I was at the Council of War where the plan was made. Loghain seemed very unhappy that two Grey Wardens were given the task of lighting the beacon."


"I don't know." Judith looked around nervously. Something about that small rat-like man seemed vaguely familiar, but she couldn't place him. "When the beacon was lit, Teyrn Loghain removed his troops from the field. My understanding is that he claims it was the only way to save them. I wasn't on the field—I was in the Tower, fighting a swarm of darkspawn—but those men were counting on him, and he at the very least made no effort to help. And now our nation is divided with a Blight in the offing."

They started walking again. "Had you been a Grey Warden long before the battle?" he asked.

"No, not long at all. Hours, really."

"Are you— Did you choose to become a Warden?"

"It was chosen for me," she said, her eyes darkening. "The First Enchanter—he's in charge of the Circle of Magi—used me in a complicated human chess game he was playing with the Knight-Commander, and when it was over, I was on my way out of the Tower to become a Grey Warden."

"I look forward to hearing the story." Over her shoulder, Kylon saw movements in the shadows around them. "But maybe some other time. Got any weaponry on you?" he asked quietly.

"I'm a mage. I am the weaponry. Why?"

"Because I think I'm not the only one who saw that flyer."

They took stock of their surroundings. "Where's the most defensible location?" she asked. It never occurred to her to wonder if trusting him was the wrong thing to do.

He led her down an alleyway, both of them sinking back into a doorway so that they stood in shadow. A few moments afterward, a group of men came down after them, muttering. "That was that Warden witch." "Did they come this way?" "Maybe she magicked them somewhere else?"

Judith heard a howl from the head of the alley. Sam, she thought with relief. She heard metal scrape on metal next to her. "You came armed?" she whispered softly.

"Habit. Denerim Guards aren't that popular, either, although slightly more so than Grey Wardens."

The men passed the doorway. Judith saw a flash of steel, and then one of them was falling slowly forward while Kylon withdrew the dagger from his back. She counted heads quickly. Five more of them. Easily done if she had her staff and her full crew. Unarmed and with an unknown component at her side? Although he'd been quick with that dagger. She raised a hand, chanting an incantation as the men rushed the doorway, shouting out "Get the Warden!" Just in time, her Cone of Cold spread forward, catching three of them in its icy fingers. Kylon rushed forward with the dagger while Sam attacked from the other side. The mabari landed squarely on the back of one of the frozen men, causing him to shatter into a thousand pieces.

"Neat trick," Kylon grunted, catching a sword thrust with his dagger and pushing the assailant back.

She spoke another word and electricity crackled in her palms. The mabari had another of the men down, slashing his throat with razor-sharp teeth, while Judith took hers out with the ball of electricity. Kylon ducked a sword slash, thrusting his dagger between the man's ribs, then all three fighters turned on the small rat-faced man.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Judith asked, and Kylon saw the Grey Warden in the beautiful woman. She rolled a small ball of fire around her fingers.

The rat-faced man cowered in the corner. "Don't hurt me! We was just gonna take the Warden, that's all. You's a Denerim man, I'd split the reward with you," he said tremblingly, looking at Kylon.

"I'd sooner split you like a chicken," Kylon spat.

"Her kind's a traitor! And a witch."

"I'm a Grey Warden and a mage of the Circle. Two titles that used to be honored in Ferelden, and will be again," Judith said implacably. "Daniel, what do you want to do with this man?" she asked.

He sighed. "I really should take him in," he said.

"Duty calls," she said, giving him a rueful smile.

"Will you be all right, if I do that?"

"I can handle myself. And I have Sam here."

Kylon fidgeted nervously. "I hate to have our night end this way. I had a lot more ideas."

"Maybe we could try again?" She blushed slightly, wondering what those ideas might have been.

"Yes, yes of course!" he said, knowing he sounded too eager. But what if she left Denerim and he didn't see her again? "You know, actually ... you and your team might be able to give me a hand."

"Actual work?"

"Paid and everything. Do you think you could stay a day or two?"

"Not very long ... but maybe a couple of days." She took a step toward him, and he took her hand.

Was it his imagination, or did he feel some vestiges of her magic tingling up his arm as they touched? Or maybe it was just her. Either way, it was having its effect on his breathing. "Until tomorrow, then?" he whispered huskily.

She nodded, smiling warmly, as he took the prisoner and hauled him none-too-gently out of the alley.

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