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        "Regina come on I know you're in there I can see the light on." Emma stated, Regina sighed, a bottle of whiskey in her hand. "Go the hell away!" Regina yelled slurring slightly, "Regina open the door!" Emma ordered as Regina got up and staggered to the door opening it. "What?" Regina asked slurring slightly, Emma sighed.

         "Regina have you been drinking?" Emma asked as Regina rolled her eyes, "So what if I have, you have your Pirate, your family, my son." Regina slurred as Emma looked down. "Regina I'm sorry that---" "OH SPARE ME WOULD YOU!" Regina yelled, "ROBIN DIED BECAUSE OF YOU! BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T STAND TO LEAVE THINGS UNDER MY CONTROL! YOU TOOK THE PROTECTION SPELL I HAD AROUND MY OFFICE OFF AND THERE IS NO COMING BACK FROM THAT!"

          Emma looked down she knew Regina was right. "Look Regina---" "No Swan just leave me alone." Regina stated as she closed the door and staggered back to her couch and sat down. Once Regina sat on the couch she grabbed the whiskey and took another swig of it determined to mourn Robin the best way she knew how to.

         The next morning Regina woke up on the couch surrounded by whiskey bottles. Regina sighed and got up, making her way upstairs to her bathroom. Once she got to her bathroom she shut the door, started the water, and immediately took off her clothes. After Regina took her clothes off she jumped in the shower and let the water hit her body, washing away last night.

         Regina sighed and cupped her hands allowing water to fill them and immediately washes her face. After what seemed like hours Regina gets out of the shower, changes, and starts packing. Once Regina finishes packing she grabs her stuff and walks to the dining room, grabs the note putting it on her door. This wasn't goodbye, she would come back she just didn't know when.

           After Regina put the note on her door she grabbed her bag and put it in the passenger seat of the car and got in on drivers side and began driving away.
A/N: So I hope you guys all enjoy this book!!!! I am so excited and have so many ideas and I can't wait for you to experience the ride with me. As always thanks for reading and thanks for all your love and support you guys are awesome.
Next part will be up in a short.
Lexi 💞

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