Things we dont give a shit about

727 22 41

Thing we don't giva a #1 People who take Call of Duty too seriously.

Okay, first of all, I have nothing against Call of Duty. Yeah, it's a pretty good game. (Except for COD:Ghosts. "Ha, gay!!!")

Anyway, lets not side-track off the topic here.

So my friend Marcus, "I wouldn't really say friend," is a SERIOUS Call of Duty player. That's fine, and if he likes the game, whatever. But, there's a problem. You see, he's been suspended about three times, all for violent reasons.

Now you're probably saying:"Oh, don't criticize him!" Well, I technically am. The first time was because of a bullet he brought to school. And when there's a bullet-there's a gun.

I'm not a snitch guys, ima thug. But, I had to do the right thing and go "report" him. While we were in class, he dropped the bullet on the floor. Them ironically, the security came in and took him out.

They checked his locker and found another bullet, a shotgun round.

Now most of you would've said: "RUN MOTHA FUCKA! SHITS GETTIN REAL IN HERE!"

But the thing is, the amount of clichés when he talks in unbearable. He would make death threats like "I'm gonna shoot you with my DSR 50!" Dude, a DSR 50 is not a real gun. "But it was in Call of Duty, so it's real!"

NO! That's not how shit works you psycho piece of shit. All he talks about is Call of Duty, and that he'll shank me or call in a K.E.M... BLA BLA BLA.

Now, I'm not one of those retarded ass people on CNN or those shows that blame video games for kids being violent. What about movies? Hm? There's about as much shit then there is in a video game. For example, a kid robbed an old man and guess which video game is being blamed? GTA. Movies? No problem, movies are fake so we can't blame them.

God, I want to hit them so hard.

What was I talking about? Oh yea, Call of Duty. Guess what people are blaming gun violence on? Call of Duty. Bitch, please. Before Call of Duty was made there was already gun violence. So I will kindly ask you to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Anyway, vote and comment on what you think!


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