The Game

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Hey everyone today when I was playing with some little kids (they tend to cause way less drama then people my age) they taught me this game.

Why does it have to do with this one shot? Well I'm going to use this game as a one shot. I think it turned out pretty well.

Harry's POV

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Your probably wondering what I'm doing.

Well I'm playing a game Hermione learned from some little kids.

It involves pushing a piece of paper, then you choose boy or girl, after that you choose to either kiss, hug, punch or date them, lastly you choose a number between one to ten and whoever's name is beside that number you have to do what ever movement you chose to them.

It was funny when draco had to do a double movement where he had to date and kiss Hermione, but when I looked at who was next on the list I froze.

My name was next and I had to go.

"OK harry, its your turn now you have to chose, boy or girl?"

Deciding to punch someone, I muttered "boy."

"Ok, chose either kiss, or date." Smirked Ginny.

"What!!" I screamed.

"Because only one person has done date or kiss so I decided to choose one the was less drama.

"Kiss." I blushed beat red saying this.

While my friends snickered I look at the possible people I had to kiss.

There was Ron, I hope I don't land on his because he's my best friend.

There was draco but he was dating Hermione and I don't want to kiss him.

There was also Tom Riddle but... But I don't see anything wrong with him, he seems like a nice bloke and he's handsome but... He never dated anyone he seems to hate everyone he meets so why would he want me?

Oh why am I thinking that way I mean-

"Harry you have to pick a number." Ginny spoke.

I blinked seeing everyone was looking at me except tom, who was reading.

I then whisper a number that my father said will never do me wrong.


"And you got..... Ron." Ginny said.

"What ewww!!!!" I shouted in disgust.

"I'm kidding you got Tom." Ginny said.

I blushed as I turned towards tom as his head poped up hearing his name.

"Harry has to what??" Tom said sharply.

"You heard well Tommy boy, harry has to kiss you." grinned Ginny.

Tom looked sharply at me and I gulped as he just signed in frustration and just sat there.

"What are you waiting for harry its just Tom." Teased Draco.

Well the problem was that it wasn't just Tom, he was my big time crush and know I was going to kiss him.

I then stood up and walked up to him.

"Sorry." I whispered before I placed my lips on his.

I couldn't help myself I then started to kiss him passionately.

His lips never moved so, after a few seconds I quited.

I was still red in the face even when I sat down.

That's when Ginny cleared her throat and ask "who wants to go next? now that the list is done."

"I will." Came toms voice.

Everyone gasped as Tom never spoken while playing these games.

"Ummm... Ok so which one is it?" Ginny stuttered.


That's when I knew tom was doing this for.

He's going to punch me or beat me up i thought.

"Now what?"


Now that confuse me even more.

Why would he want date if he was going to hurt me?

"Umm... Pick a number between 1 to 10."


"You got...... Harry?"

I gulped as tom turned towards me.

He got up walked towards harry. He hot on one knee and asked a question.

"Will you, Harry James Potter, go out on a date with me." From the look on his face, he wanted to do this, not for the dare.

I froze, I didn't knew what to do.

That's when my heart took over and nodded.

He smiled at me and sat back down while I was grinning like a bafoon.

Everyone smiled and I heard Hermione whispered to Tom saying "I told you it would work."

My grin turned into a frown and I sharply turned my head to Hermione.

"You mean you tricked me into dating him!?"

That's the end of this one shot my lovely!

I found this one cute when I finished reading this.

So I have nothing to say but Good day!!

E.Riddle outta here!!

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