The Care For Magical Creatures

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You and the trio walked down the winding path towards Hagrid's hut, for your first care for magical creatures class.
You were excited to learn more about the beautiful, complex magical creatures found around the world.
"Don't worry about what happened in Divination y/n, you either Harry" Hermione said.
"If you ask me, divination's a wooly discipline. And besides, loads of witches and wizards have seen the grim and nothing has happened to them! Now, ancient runes. That's a fascinating subject!"
You gave Hermione a small smile, you were glad she was being so positive. It helped to get your mind off everything that had happened to you.
"Ancient runes?" Ron asked "exactly how many classes are you taking this term?" To which Hermione replied vaguely "a fair few"
"Hang on Hermione.. that's not possible. how could you be going to ancient runes? It's at the same time as divination. You'd be having to go to two classes at once!"
"Honestly Ronald, don't be silly. How could anyone be attending two classes at once?"
Hermione said, sharing a knowing smile with you.


'Oh! There's y/n! Huh? What is she doing?
y/n seems to be looking at some kind of bowl with blue-ish water inside.. Wait a moment!
That's a portable pensive! She must have changed the size! Woah.. they're incredibly rare..
I don't mean to snoop.. but I am curious..'
I walked up behind y/n and peered over her shoulder. 'I can see what looked like her when she was younger.. and I think that's her mother! Hmm. It looks like her mother is teaching her spells! She must've told her them when she was very little, then gave her this pensive so she could look back and actually learn them!
But that means.. oh my.. she knew she was probably going to die soon.. poor y/n..'
I put my hand on y/n's shoulder, and she suddenly realised that I saw the pensive
"Oh.. hey Hermione. I guess you saw that huh? Please don't tell anyone. I don't want it to be taken away.. it's the only thing I have left of my mother. It was hard enough trying to hide it from the ministry when they put me in.." y/n said, trailing off.
"Oh! I won't. I promise y/n" I said kindly "and to prove it, I'll show you a secret of mine too."
I pulled out my time turner from under my robes, knowing y/n had guessed what it was already
"I can see how you always get to class on time now!" Y/n laughed, in a happier mood
We walked down the staircase, chatting about spells and incantations we had learnt, and not long after, Harry and Ron caught up with us.

"I pulled out my time turner from under my robes, knowing y/n had guessed what it was already"I can see how you always get to class on time now!" Y/n laughed, in a happier moodWe walked down the staircase, chatting about spells and incantations we...

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Eventually you reached Hagrid's hut, which was surrounded by other students taking the same class.
You heard Hagrid say loudly with a smile on his face
"Ah! Now that we're all here, I wanna say I've got a real treat for you today! It'll be a great lesson, so follow me."
You smiled, walking into a wooded area, alongside Harry; who was holding a large book, called: the book of monsters
"Now, open your books to page 49" you heard Hagrid say "and y/n, you can share with Harry for today"
Malfoy (who you learned was a real jerk) snapped at Hagrid "and exactly how do we do that?"
"You just stroke the spine, of course. Goodness me." Hagrid said sighing, as if it were the easiest thing on the planet to know.
Suddenly you heard Neville's book snarl and attack him as he fell on the floor with a yelp, trying to close it desperately. "Don't be such a wimp, numbnutt" you heard Malfoy snicker, to which you retaliated with "like you would do much better. Let me guess? 'My father will hear about this!'" You heard a few of the other students whisper things to each other like: "ohhhh, burn.." and "ha, serves Malfoy right" and "about time Malfoy got served some sarcasm"
Malfoy walked up to you, getting close to your face "don't get cocky Lupin. Or soon it'll be YOUR father getting fired."
"Shove off Malfoy" you heard Harry say boldly, standing protectively beside you.
"Look, got yourself a boyfriend Lupin?" Malfoy snickered, before walking back to crabbe and Goyle

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