Chocolate Boyfriend

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    There is a restaurant right around the corner, the restaurant is quit famous among the girls. Well this is a "Host Cafe". Only the most good looking men can work at this cafe.

     There are five guys that work at the cafe. One of them is very smart and is really season in the things he does, he is guit a gentleman. His name is Eli. The girls love his handsome blue eye that are always covered by the glasses he wears.

      The youngest out of the five men is Max. He is very cute and the girls love his baby face structure. Max is a very childish boy he is also 15 years old.

    Another man is Min Ho he is Korean.He is also a really good singer. The girls love his good looks but yet again only the most handsome men can work at this cafe.other than his good looks they also love his singing. Min Ho is one of those Kpop singers. He is actually in a band and he also has his own fan page.

   The owner of this restaurant has a son. The owner was short on staff members so lucky for him, his son is very good looking and handsome. His son is also a little bad boy. His name is Alain and he has a bad reputation at school and has a bad temper he gets mad very easily. But when it comes to working at a cafe he loves to look at the beautiful women, so he is a very kind gentleman in front of them.

   Last but not least the most handsome of them all Adelwolf. He is the most handsome out of all the men, the women love him. But the only thing is that he is a big player. Rumor states that he would take a women from the restaurant and invite them to a hotel to do some stuff(hint hint). He has beautiful silver eyes and beautiful gray hair that shimmers in the light. He is 19 years old and is 6feet tall.

    Lucky for me I get to work at this amazing restaurant. But I dont really get to see the handsome men that work here. I actually am the person how makes all the desserts in this restaurant. The restaurant is also famous for the delicious desserts that I myself make. But the girls pay more attention to the handsome men that work here that they don't pay much attention to my delicious desserts. No one really knows how makes the desserts in this restaurant except the cooks and my boss. The handsome men that work here don't even know that I exist, I just make the desserts and they take them to the customers.Nothing more nothing less.

    "Nico your so pretty so why are you still single, you should get a boyfriend, why don't you have one anyway." said Emily. Emily is one of my friends that I work with.

     "That is because I'm not a girl I'm a guy!"I replied

     "Oh sorry I forgot. your just so cute and pretty that I forget that your a guy."

     Yea I'm often mistaken as a girl wait scratch that Im always getting mistaken as a girl. I always get very  annoyed because everybody thinks I'm a girl. Guys are always hitting on me thinking that I'm a girl.But I have gotten pretty used to it by now.

    "Hey Nico if you were really a girl witch of the 5 guys how work here would you like to go on a date with." She said this as she was staring with loving eyes at Adelwolf."Because I know who I would love to date"

    "Really who?" I already knew how it was though. The reason why I asked was to keep the conversation going.

   "Adelwolf of course"she said with a smile.

   "Really you do know he's a playboy, a player, a womanizer he is not a very trust worthy guy you know"I answered.

   "Yea I know but he is just so handsome."Emily said with a smile.

   As Emily kept on talking about Adelwolf. I was thinking of a time when I used to be in love and have felling for Adelwolf. It may seem gay because I'm a guy. But you can't help who you fall in love with. But I had my reasons, reasons that I can't tell anyone.

     Anyway I always get to do the desserts at the restaurant. Well that's because I'm in charge of making the desserts. I have always been fond of baking. Each time I'm baking it reminds me of the good old times when I lived with my grandmother in the countryside when I was a little boy. My grandmother always made the most delicious desserts. I loved how each time someone ate one of my grandma's desserts they would always get a smile on their faces. My grandmother always said that the best part about baking desserts was seeing people smile.

     The only reason why I started to bake was because of my grandmother.My parents died when I was very young. My grandmother was the only one that could take care of me. So I'm very close to her. But she died about three years ago so I'm all alone now.

     I have gotten pretty used to living alone now, I have a pretty good apartment and a good job that pays good money. Good enough to pay for the apartment rent and to buy food and to pay for the materials I need for school. I'm 17 years old so I'm still a high school student.

   "Have any of you seen Adelwolf"said my boss while barging in with a worried face.

   I replied "No why would we, I don't even talk to that guy. I bet he doesn't even know any of us who work out here in the back."

     "Yea all that boy does is flirt with the ladies that come here" said one of the female cooks.

     "Ok sorry it's because he has been missing since last night and I'm very worried"

     I heard the door open, when I turned to look for who it was. I saw that it was the boss's son


     Alain spoke "dad why do you need to care for that stupid punk anyway. I think you'll do just fine without him"

     "Oh no my darling Adelwolf is missing" Emily said with such fear.

     It was already 11:57 a.m. I saw that it was getting late."Oh man look at the time I have to get going on home or I might over sleep tomorrow and be late for school."

     After work I have to go walking home alone but I do take the bus so iys not all just walking.But it was to late to take the bus because the last bus has already left, so I have to walk all the way. So I have made the stupid decision to take a short cut. The stupid part of it was that it was dark and scary dangerous.

   As I was walking home I saw someone on the floor. It looked like a died person. I got a closer look and it turns out it was.

     "Adelwolf?" I said in a confused tone.

     I decided that I couldn't leave him all alone in this dark and scary allie.

     I took him home with me on my back. All I could think was that man this guy is really heavy. What does he eat bags of bricks or something.

     When I finally got home I laid him down on my couch. As he was laying on the couch, I went to get a wet towel to wipe off the dirt off his face. As I was wiping of the dirt. I saw how beautiful his face really was.

     Adelwolf face twitch as if he were to wake up anytime soon. I got scared because I don't know what to do when he wakes up. I look at his face very closely I was very amazed at how perfect his face really was. suddenly his eyes open. I saw his beautiful silver eyes. I was to mesmerized by his eyes that I forgot he was awake.

     Suddenly he grabbed me and said "It's about time, do you know how long I've waited for you to get this close."

     Wait what is he talking about. What does he mean that he has been waiting for me. Before I could say a thing.

     He grabs on to my head with one hand and puts me closer with his other. And the he kissed me.

     What am I to do he just kissed me right now!!!

                (TO BE CONTINUED)

    «Thanx for reading stay tune to                                                    the next chapter»

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2014 ⏰

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