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Lucas Black:

"Grace! Grace! Come on wake up! you need to wake up, please dont leave me! just dont! "

I couldnt believe it, my best friend was gone, I couldnt tell either for good, or is this just for a while, I didnt care I just wanted her back, with her big blue eyes open, staring at me, I just need her to open her eyes, thats all I wish for! I couldnt help it, I felt tears run down my cheek, I suddenly felt cold, the sky became darker, it looked like it was about to rain, I was hoping for it to be rain, but then I saw it, a sunlight hole in the sky. Thats when I knew it, they were taking her! they cant do this! she could be alive, she cant leave, not now! "She might be alive!" I screamed as loud as I could!

I now could see the spaceships front part, but I wasnt going to stop screaming, I still had time for them to change their mind and let her stay longer! "Hey Hannibal, did you got what you wanted now?! Did you?" I was crying, my tears falling on the ground I felt anger inside me, I couldnt help it, I grabbed the grass and dirt with my hands as hard as I could! I started to scream and I felt the world turned off, I didnt heard a thing just my heart pounding so loud and so fast that my chest started to hurt so bad, I could see the spaceship with the Gravitation symbol on it, but how is that possible?

When someone dies the spaceships are supposed to have the radiation symbol, they knew she wasnt dead! And she is not dead! I could now hear the beat of my heart getting to its normal rate. I said to my self a few times to calm down I kept repeting "Calm down Luca, just relax, Grace is NOT dead, she is just fine"

After they took Grace I went down to the Meeting point with the rest of the guys. On my way there I started thinking about the Gravitational symbol, I remember when I first got here, to the Island. It was 4 years ago and my plane had crashed because the pilot had a heartattack while flying the plane. Me and my friend Connor survived, the plane had crashed on the water, so we swam about 15 minutes to get to this island,

as soon as our feet touched the ground we could feel the presence that we were not alone, a few hours later we got to the center of the island, were we expected to find fruit to eat, but we found alot more than that.

We saw a giant group of people dressed as some kind of army, Connor and I hid behind some bushes and we watched people practice their shooting with complexed guns and other machines I couldnt recognize, I told connor maybe we should leave, but he didnt listened, he was paying alot of atention on what the "soldiers" were doing, I gave him a little push for him to pay atention to me, but I pushed him harder than I thought, he fell down and a really loud alarm started, the noise was so loud my ears and head started hurting so bad, when it stoped I realized everyone in there was watching us, not just watching, pointing guns at us.

I heard some guns get charged, I actually thought I was going to die, I closed my eyes, ready to get shot when I heard a voice "STOP!", I opened my eyes and saw this really tall guy and he didnt had a gun, or a uniform, he was wearing kacki pants, tenis shoes and a red T-shirt, he was shaved and clean, not like the other guys pointing guns at us

"They are just kids, lost kids, we cant hurt them you animals! put your guns down!" They all did. All at the same time like robots as if this guy was their remote. "Hello kids, sorry for the uumm guns...well my name is Hannibal, and probably have alot of questions so come on...ask" Connor and I gave a 'What the fuck' look to each other, but I did had questions..."What the hell is this place? can you take us home?" Hannibal laughed and started to walk so we followed him.

"This place kids is were you will find out who you really are and were you belong" we continued walkind behind him, then we entered a big room, I couldnt see anything, it was really dark

"Pay attention kids, you'll need this" a video started playing on a big wall, "This is your new home, here you will live with people who are like you, people with your characteristics and abilities, you will help the island keep its balance,"

the video showed images of people living on diferent places, the first place was blue with large glass buildings and people were dressed with white clothes, all of them. "Water" said the voice of the video

In the second location there werent any buildings, just a dessert and people were dressed in red. and no one talked, they were making some kind of ritual, sitting in a circle around a fire. "Fire"

The third location was in the mountains, people climbing and jumpin of them like it was so easy, like they had done it billions of times and they all had brown clothes and scalating supplies. "earth"

The ford location seemed beatiful, the first location with animals, and lots of birds flying, I saw a guy falling off a parachute from an airplane he screamed "Yeah! this is awesome! this is life!" and the place was full of green soft grass "Air"

"You will belong on one of this places and you will help us save the island" the video ended and the lights turned on "Wait! you cant keep us here! my family thinks I'm

dead! I'm not hearing you anymore, I'm leaving" said Connor, he was really upset,

I didnt had any family and this place seemed great for me I could finally do whatever I want here "Connor calm down! this is just for a while! we will return home soon, but for now we need to listen to them" Connor gave a dirty look, "I'm not obeying this man, we need to go back home or..." "It seems like we have found our next Gravitational" interrupted hannibal

"What the hell is that?...huh? What the hell is that!!?" screamed connor, Hannibal semmed frustated, he took a deep breath and started talking "There is a 5th place to live in...You see Connor, we chose were you live depending on your personality, but to people like you, who disobey, respond, scream, have absoluteley no respect at all, yhe ones with the urge to fight, destroy, break and make trouble we call them Gravitational"

Another guy that was standing behind hannibal continued "As you see the 4 elements have a place, they respect and follow their orders as in normal nature, but gravity isnt something you isnt something WE can control"

Connor started running but two big soldiers grabbed him "Run Lucas! Go home, you need to" I was about to start running when Hannibal grabbed my shoulder and said "You know you dont want to do that, you belong here" I turned around to see connor and he was looking at me with anger, he knew I was staying.

But today! I wish I had never listen to Hannibal, I should've ran away, I should've listened to Connor that day.

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