Where do I belong?

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After they took Connor, Hannibal took me to a small room, empty, only blue lights and my clothes were glowing. "What the hell?" was my first expression.

"You stay here kid, this is only the first step of your test"

What is he talking about? where is Connor? Where am I?

Hannibal locked the door, I couldn't breathe, was the room or was it me? being there alone made me think, remember, Connor and I where on our way to a famouse beach with his aunt, the best weekend of our lives, now I am stuck here on a room, hardly breathing.

suddenly smoke started coming out of the walls, it didn't bored me, I just couln't see

"Hannibal what is this?! Let me out!" No respond to that. After a while the smoke stoped and water started filling the room, like a pool, my first thought was to drink it, It felt amazing, the cold water filling my cheeks and refreshing me. I was actually enjoy it, but then the water started to fill the room intead of my cheeks, and drowing me instead of refreshing me "Hannibal! stop the water! I'm drown...." I couln't finish that last sentence, I was already under water

Since I was little I have always loved swimming, but this didn't felt the same, not at all.

I couln't find a way to let the water out of the room, so I decided if I was gonna die, I'm gonna die doing something I love. So I started swimming, from one side to another on that small room. I was starting to loose my breath and I blacked out.

When I woke up I was surrounded by guys, dressed in white, I was on a large city, with buildings, everything was made of glass.

"Hey guys he's awake" said a guy, he had pale skin and brown hair.

"Hey whats up man?" said another while he was lifting me up the ground. I couldn't answer that, how could anybody answer to that on this situation? I had a bunch of questions so I started.."Where is connor?! Whre do they took him?"

The guy with pale skin answered "I'm sorry man, I...I dont know. Didnt they told you were he was going? air nation, earth, or maybe..."

"Gravitational. What is that? where can I find him?"

I looked on the guys clothes, Mathew. thats his name. I didn't payed attention to the others name.

They all looked at each other before someone could answer a girl appeared behind me. She had blond hair and brown eyes, she was dressed in a white dress and has gold bracelates and big round earings "Hey new guy! You have absolutely no idea where you are do you?" I noded. "You are on the water nation! This place is for people who care for others, who can swim obiously and for the stupid ones who trusted hannibal...but you're lucky this is the nicest place of the other 5..."

"What's gravitational?, how do I get there? They didn't showed that location on the fucking video"

"Sorry new guy, nobody knows, we just know its like hell, where people fight and kill, no mercy"

"My friend Connor is in there, he is not like that, i know him" I was desperate, I want to find him so we can go home and forget this hellish island

"Calm down, everything's okay, if you know him that well, then after the test they will take him to the nation where he belongs"

I dont know what was about her that made me feel safe, I felt that I could tell her everything and she will listen.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and after a while I finally asked "So...whats your name?" I tried not to sound like flirting that would be the worst thing to do in this situation

"Grace, Grace Whitmore. And you are Lucas Black."

"How do you know my name?" HOW THE HELL DOES SHE KNOW MY NAME!? This is some crazy shit island

"Hannibal introduces to all the new ones in a video transmition, you had really good results on the test...congratulations"

She is congratulating me for almost drowning?! That's just not okay.

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