Chapter 7

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***AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter contains mention of rape and other triggering events. Ye be warned! ***

It had been smooth sailing since the Naunet and her crew had left port just over a month ago. Sera had set a course for warmer waters and as of yet they'd been successful in avoiding the winter plights of a sea-bearing life. Belle had begun to truly fit in amongst the crew even if they did just barely tolerate most of the rules that she tried to impose upon them. Like a proper 'bedtime', manners at the dinner table and decent behavior. It was as if she'd turned mother to them all and even the fiercest of the crew backed down under her gaze when faced with Belle's pregnant and hormonal wrath. The only person who held more authority and fear over the crew was Sera and she was highly amused at watching her ruthless crew bow down to the hormonal whims of Belle.

Their relationship had taken off in an unexpected way and while the affections went unspoken it was obvious to anyone aboard the ship that *something* had changed between the captain and their passenger. Sera and Belle ate with the crew almost every night that Belle's stomach wasn't giving her issue, and they were often seen together at the helm. Laughing at an inside joke or sharing stories. Sera had picked up the habit of keeping a protective hand over Belle's ever-growing belly and on more than one occasion Todd had witnessed them sharing a moment over the movements of the baby.

It was on one of the calmer evenings when the skies and seas were clear that the crew had decided to eat on the lower deck. There were a few scattered tables and chairs set up, but most were content to sit on their rumps or upon a random crate or barrel. Sera found herself lounging upon a chair at the head of one of the tables while a game of cards went on. There was no gambling allowed on board the ship, but Sera did allow for the trading of chores and other menial tasks.

Upon seeing Belle coming down the steps from the upper deck, Sera motioned her over and the brunette perched upon Sera's lap. It was a tight squeeze given the girth of Belle's stomach but after a bit of maneuvering the two were comfortably positioned on the chair. Sera leaned forward as her arms came to rest against Belle's legs and she gave a satisfied hum.

"How are you feeling?" It was asked in a quiet tone and only Belle was able to hear Sera over the boisterous sharing of stories amongst the crew while they played cards.

"I'm all right." Belle leaned back against the warmth of Sera's body and gave a little start as the hem of the dress she wore was discreetly lifted inch by inch. "What are you-"

It was a game Sera often initiated when Belle joined her. Stolen kisses at the helm, a wandering hand beneath the dinner table. Even an afternoon spent sneaking around with Sera partaking in her favorite dessert while Belle held her skirts up.

"Shhh, don't let on. No one will see under the table and if you're quiet...well. No one need know." With that, Sera's fingers grazed the inside of Belle's thighs while the blonde gave a nod to Cooky. "I do believe Smith is bluffing."

Sera's advice led to a roukus back and forth with the betting of chores that ended with Cooky winning out and earning himself a 'scullery maid' for the following day. Smith of course was a bit put out but he was humored nonetheless when Cooky offered him a dram of rum from his wooden leg.

Giving a jump as Sera's fingers climbed higher, Belle felt her cheeks darken considerably. "Someone will notice..." It didn't matter that they'd done this several times before, Belle always broke out in the darkest of blushes and Sera enjoyed goading more of the color out of her.

"If you really want me to stop, then I will. But it seems to me that you're far too invested in this game." As if to prove a point, Sera's middle digit ran along Belle's center folds and just barely dipped into her drenched canal.

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